All Chapters of SOLD TO THE NOTORIOUS MAFIA ALPHA- His Pleasure Thing: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
109 Chapters
Chapter 91
Although having faced what would be regarded the roughest night of his life till date which is battling with the shadow monsters that almost cost him his life and not forgetting returning home to meet Eden's betrayal, Marcel had never felt so much at peace right now inside the tub with Ella. It was as if she was washing away the pain and bad memories with the sponge and her hands, especially her hands.“Does it even hurt? You don't seem to be in pain," Ella asked as she scrubbed his back where he sustained multiple cuts and Marcel turned his head around to face her.With a genuine smile on his face he answered. “Nothing hurts when you are near me."His words caused Ella to blush but she quickly wore a serious expression as she frowned. “Stop. I am being serious here. Your cuts are very deep and messy yet you are so calm. And why ain't you healing? I have seen you healed from a gun wound to the skull almost instantly yet these cuts won't heal. Why?" Ella said and her eyes and voice rev
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Chapter 92
“And who are you?" Elijah asked, his eyes focused on Kate.“She is my wife," Jackson replied on Kate's behalf and Elijah remembered Ella had said Jackson was married to Marcel's sister when she was pleading with Marcel to spare his life.”Wait a minute. You are Marcel's sister?" Elijah asked, looking a bit confused.”Yes I am," Kate replied.“And you want your brother dead?" Even a man as vile and evil as Elijah was left shocked at that.“I know you might think of me as a heartless monster but I am not. The truth is that I do love my brother and I have loved him for a long time but now I am realizing he never did love me. No he never loved anyone. He isn't capable of showing love. He always talks about how we are one big family but that's all a lie. He doesn't care about family or any of our happiness. All he wants are mindless zombies that will do whatever he ask of them and if otherwise he will end your life in a heartbeat so you see Marcel is the true monster here and that is why w
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Chapter 93
After Rolan gave his heartfelt, motivational speech Marcel addressed the pack as well and after he was done Selena also had a thing or two she wanted to say so Marcel granted her permission to speak. As she addressed the pack Marcel noticed Rolan stepping away to some distance as he relaxed his back on the tree.Clearly he wanted to have some alone time but Marcel needed to discuss a matter with him so he walked up to meet him.“Hey," Marcel uttered, getting his attention.“Hey," Rolan replied, giving him a listening ear. “I know we don't usually see eye to eye but I just want to say thank you for what you said back there and for your help last night. I really appreciate having someone like you here," Marcel said, genuinely from the heart.“See. You are powerful and all but I already have an alpha and I do not have any plans of changing allegiance so don't expect me to remain here for long. This is a short time thing," Rolan said, his tone coming out a bit harsh but Marcel remained c
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Chapter 94
“Sorry about what that jerk tried to do to you. You know I never liked him," Kyle, who was seated beside me on my bed said with a slight frown on his face.“It's alright. I am fine. Thank God Marcel came to my rescue like he has so often done," I said and a smile formed on my face as pictured Marcel's handsome face in my head...but then my face suddenly went sad as Jane's dying face flashed in my eyes”My only regret though is that Jane had to lose her life in the process. She doesn't deserve to die," I said, my soul burning in regret and self blame.“You know she and I didn't really speak that much while she was alive but I could always tell she is nothing like her jerk of a boyfriend, Eden. She is good and nice. I agree with you. She doesn't deserve to die but most times the good ones die while the bad ones go unharmed. This is the sad reality of things" Kyle said and his words held deep meaning, causing me to ponder.I should have been dead a long time ago but somehow I keep getti
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Chapter 95
Selena and Marcel were left feeling exhausted after they were done having what one would call a wild, adventurous sex and though the sex was amazing Marcel couldn't help but feel a bit odd after it was done. It almost felt like he had committed a crime of some sort though he tried his best not to make his thoughts show on his facial expressions as he could tell Selena was really happy about the whole thing and he didn't want to spoil her mood.“So how was it? Was it as good as this with your human lover?" Selena said teasingly as she put on her clothes but that caused Marcel to look uncomfortable.“I..I,” he struggled to speak.“You know what? Don't answer me now but I will be needing that answer after a few more sessions with you," she said with a naughty tone as she winked and after she was fully dressed she walked away.Marcel shook his head slightly, wondering what type of mess he had gotten himself into and after some few seconds of just standing still thinking about his life he
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Chapter 96
I was left alone with this scary looking monster and when I stared into its eyes all I could see was emptiness. A dark soulless being! It advanced towards me and all my insides were screaming for me to flee. To run for my life but for some odd reasons I couldn't move. It was almost as if I had forgotten how to move my legs. The fear and shock was too much for my brain to function properly so I just stood frozen at the spot.As the monster neared me with deadly intent I immediately closed my eyes, surrendering myself to my gruesome fate...“Stay away from her!" A loud, angry cry forced me to open my eyes.Marcel was back and he was looking more agitated than ever. Without another word he launched at the monster once more and this time he went for a spearing dive as he collided against it with his arms wrapped around it. They smashed through furniture in the process and still went stumbling as the force Marcel used was great.Marcel got up to his knees and the first thing he did was..
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Chapter 97
Marcel's whole body was trembling in fear and panic as he recalled how he had lost control of his senses in his beast form and attacked Ella. He had his palms wide open and his eyes were gazing upon them with grief, feeling troubled to the soul that he had murdered the love of his life with his own hands.”No Ella... What have I done?.." he spoke with a crushed spirit and hot tears started building up in his eyes as his head spinned about like a rollercoaster.So many thoughts were running through Marcel's mind but nothing make sense and he was starting to have suicidal thoughts though he knew it would be very hard to die but he was ready to try everything including digesting poison and acid and even blowing himself up with a grenade. Absolutely anything that would take his life because he couldn't just live with himself for hurting Ella…“Marcel," a soft, heart healing voice suddenly came forth that immediately drew Marcel away from his troubled thoughts.Turning around sharply Marce
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Chapter 98
Oh fuck!It felt like my mouth and throat were tearing apart the way Marcel violated me with his massive veiny organ that was stretching my mouth to it's limit but like a good girl I just surrendered myself to his will without complaining, not that I wanted to complain as my pussy was getting super wet.“Argg.." he kept on groaning while pumping his stuff inside my mouth and his sexual sounds were like sweet music to my ears.It was driving me crazy!I could feel he was nearing orgasm with how low and thick his groans and moans were becoming and also how his facial expression had tightened so I wrapped my warm tongue tightly around his thick member while stroking him as well.“Argg.." he moaned out loudly and he pulled his dick from my mouth and less than a second later I felt a thick, warm, sticky liquid splatter all over my face.Like, fuck!Normally I should be pissed about something like this but somehow it excited me and turned me on even more.I could see the tension on his face
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Chapter 99
Right before Marcel's man closed the door of the vehicle he brought out a small black, crested box, not large enough to contain three apples.”The boss wants you to have this," he said handing it over to me and as I held it my mind began wondering what could be inside…As the vehicle began moving out of the vehicle I was still observing and inspecting the strange but beautiful, small box, contemplating within myself what could be inside it and it kinda served as a necessary distraction for me from the intense pain in my heart.“Do you know what could be in there?" Kyle asked, curiously.“No. I don't," I replied softly but hoping it was something that would miraculously take away my pains.“Why don't you open it then and find out?" He said and I glanced at him then back at the box.He is right. Why am I bothering myself wondering what could be inside when I can just open it and see for myself.Slowly I opened the box…and the rhyme of my heart changed at what I saw inside and cold shive
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Chapter 100
“I am sorry to tell you this but the monster in those pictures raped your best friend, Gloria," Mike said and it was quite shocking but I knew immediately that it can't be true. That's not Marcel's character.“Marcel did what? That's not true," I said, sprouting up to my feet.“You just said his name? How do you know his name? Do you know him?" Mike rained down his questions on me as he also stood up.“Yes I do know him and I know for a fact he can't do something like that," I said and Mike frowned.“What are you saying? Are you saying your best friend is lying that she got raped by him?" He said in a raised voice.”Yes! That's exactly what I am saying," I said and Mike's eyes dilated.“Can you hear yourself? You are defending this monster over your best friend! This is Gloria I am talking about. Your best friend. In case you have forgotten," he said, looking at me as if I had gone insane.“I know what I am talking about. Marcel can never do that and stop calling her my best friend,"
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