All Chapters of SOLD TO THE NOTORIOUS MAFIA ALPHA- His Pleasure Thing: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
109 Chapters
Chapter 61
“What do you mean it's a language spoken by Angels and Demons??" I asked.“That's because that's what it is. It's a very odd text and language. The oldness in fact and it's believed to be the language spoken by the fallen angels when they came to earth," Kyle replied and he was sounding so convincing causing me to want to believe him although it sounds kinda crazy.“How do you know this?" I asked, staring at him suspiciously.“Because I was taught. You see before I ventured into the life of crime I used to be interested in paleography and ancient, mystical events," he answered and probably he saw from my expression I didn't understand the meaning of the word ‘paleography’ so he went further to explain.“Paleography???”“Yeah, that's like the study of old manuscripts or text,” he said.“That’s quite a really strange hobby especially for a young boy like yourself,” I had to confess.“I know but I lived with my grandfather and he was into things like this and I love spending time with hi
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Chapter 62
Elijah went to visit one of his good friends. Pedro, the leader of the dangerous gang called the Viper that comprises mostly of Mexican“My friend," Pedro was delighted to see Elijah as he embraced him. ”Come, come. Come have a drink with me," he invited him for drinks and Elijah happily accepted.In the company of half naked women Pedro filled two glass cups with a bottle of whiskey and handed one of the glasses to Elijah, taking the other one for himself.“So what brings you over to this side of the town, my friend?" He asked as two ladies with big titties romanced his chest.Taking a quick sip from his glass Elijah responded.“I just came to greet my good, old friend, of course." Elijah said and Pedro wore a smile.“You know we are good friends and that's why I know that you didn't travel all this miles for just a hello. So why don't you tell me the real reason why you came?” Pedro said, his tone Jovial and Elijah smiled.“You know me too well, old friend,” Elijah smiled then c
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Chapter 63
Marcel stood facing the beautiful strange woman and for a lengthy seconds both of them just stood staring at each other with the lady smiling and staring deep into Marcel's eyes. Marcel needed no one to tell him the lady standing in front of him was the young girl he was having flashes of. The one playing with a younger version of himself. The resemblance is undeniable but Marcel couldn't help but wonder why he knew nothing of the lady or remembered any of those memories until now. Maybe it's not his own memory and that young boy isn't him. Maybe this was some sort of vision.Yes it has to be. Marcel concluded within.“You. You are the one writing me those letters?" Marcel asked but it was more of a statement than a question.“Yes. I am the one," she replied with a smile.“Who are you?" Marcel asked and she walked closer to him.“My name is Selena, daughter to Adams the great Alpha of the half moon pack," she said like Marcel would know what that meant but he didn't and really didn't
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Chapter 64
”Thank you," Madam Yesenia said to Eden and he nodded briefly with a straight face before leaving the room.Even though Eden didn't take Ella to the hospital he ordered the men to carry her a sick bed inside the mansion and her wounds and injuries were being attended to by someone with medical knowledge as she administered first aid treatment on her so for this reason Madam Yesenia was grateful however Ella had lost lot of blood and need a proper medical attention that could only be found in the hospital. At the moment she is still unconscious and her case looked critical.”Hang in there little child. You will be fine. Everything will be fine," Madam Yesenia, who hadn't left Ella's side for a moment said in a consoling and comforting tone..Though she had an optimistic outlook Madam Yesenia knew deep down that if Ella wasn't taken to the hospital soonest the poor girl might not survive this but she was helpless to do anything. The only person that has the power to take Ella to the hos
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Chapter 65
“Where is she?" Eden frowned when he came into the room and found an empty bed without the injured Ella in it.“I...I..Senor Marcel.." Madam Yesenia was still in shock with the stunt Marcel pulled that she stuttered in her speech.“What are you saying? What happened to Marcel? I am talking about the girl. Where have you taken her to? Did you take her to the hospital without my consent??" Eden looked furious.“No. Senor Marcel was here. He was the one that took her with him," Madam Yesenia managed to compose herself.“What do you mean Marcel was here? I would know if Marcel had returned. What kind of sick game are you playing here, huh?" Eden tone was accusative.“It's the truth. Senor Marcel was here. He appeared like the wind and vanished with her. I have never seen anything like that," Madam Yesenia said and from the way she spoke Eden could still see the shock and awe in her facial expressions and he knew she must have witnessed something really remarkable.Eden knew very well that
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Chapter 66
Location: Marcel's Mansion.The young Kyle who was unaware of what had happened to Ella- That she was pushed down the stairs and has now been taken to the hospital by Marcel, went in search of her in her room so he could spend some time together with her as he was beginning to enjoy her company as she is someone he sees that genuinely cares for him aside from Marcel. However when he didn't find Ella in her room he mounted a search hunt for her in the mansion which led him to him stumbling upon two maids walking pass and were engrossed in what looks like a secret conversation as they spoke in whispers however Kyle has a very good hearing for a human so he was able to hear what they were discussing.“..she fell down really bad. I won't be surprised if she doesn't make it," one of the maids had said.“That serves her right. I think this is Karma's way of paying her back for Bella's death," the other maid responded and although Kyle didn't know for sure who they were talking about he had
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Chapter 67
Marcel stood still without any form of resistance as Selena's soft lips touched and pressed against his. It was a soft tender kiss that awakened something inside him but it wasn't his demon or rather laetuses. No, they still remained quiet, however there was no denying that her kiss caused some excitement inside of him, something he had never felt when he kissed other ladies before.It was special. Is this because she is his mate?It was a short and soft kiss initiated and ended by Selena and when she was done she withdrew a bit from him but her eyes remained fixed on his.“You can go," she said to him, though her eyes were saying the opposite.“I will return," he replied, as he successfully read her expression.“I know," she said confidently, a smile gracing her face.Marcel stared at her for a while before vanishing....★“Ah..." Gloria was moaning out as Mike was making passionate love to her.Mike was putting much effort into satisfying Gloria sexually as he pounds her with great
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Chapter 68
Two days later.It felt like I had been in this bed and hospital for over a year. Honestly I am sick and tired of being here but I wasn't feeling this way because of my natural hatred for hospitals rather it's because it's been over two days that I haven't seen Marcel. He hasn't come to visit me in the hospital after that day he came and I am feeling abandoned and depressed.Honestly I have missed Marcel, like so much that I am not even embarrassed to admit it. I can't possibly deny it. I have missed seeing his handsome, annoying face. I have missed his sweet, intoxicating scent. I have even missed the sound of his scolding voice. I just wished he was here with me. I pray and hope he hasn't forgotten about me because though Marcel hasn't come to see me for the past two days he did send two of his men to the hospital and they have been standing just outside the door of my ward as guards. He probably sent this man here because he thinks I might try to escape and not for my protection. S
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Chapter 69
What?! Can't I kiss him even in my own dream without any questions? And wait a minute. Why am I suddenly able to smell him in my head?? This isn't quite right.I opened my eyes and saw a tall figure towering above me with a slight frown.“M.. Marcel," I stuttered as I was very surprised to see him and also embarrassed. When did he even get in here??Admst the surprise and embarrassment my heart danced excitedly for the fact that Marcel was here. I have so yearned for his presence and finally he is here.“What were you doing?" Marcel asked again. His eyes are a bit narrow.“Huh? What do you mean?" I asked and I was quite confused.“You were pouting your lips out rather awkwardly when I came in. What were you thinking of?" He said and my cheeks became all flushed up.I was quite embarrassed. I didn't realize as I was fantasizing of kissing him in my head. My mouth was literally taking the shape of a kiss.“Nothing. I wasn't thinking of anything," I lied, avoiding eye contact but he kept
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Chapter 70
Location: Marcel's mansionAfter returning from the hospital where he went to visit the hospitalized Ella, Marcel headed straight to Eden's room to discuss a serious matter with him but then he stumbled upon a sexual scene where an engrossed Eden was receiving head from a certain beautiful, unknown lady. This is definitely not his girlfriend, Jane. However Marcel wasn't really bothered about that but he still really needed to talk to Eden so he just had to end his fun..“Eden," Marcel called out, getting his attention.“Brother, you are back?" Eden said rather shamelessly as he had a smile on his face while Gloria was the complete opposite.“M..Marcel," she muttered in shock and quickly tried to cover her nakedness from shame.Her shame wss not because Marcel was seeing her nakedness. She would gladly show everything but rather it's because Marcel has caught her red handed sleeping with his brother. How then would he want anything to do with her now? Marcel however didn't really give
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