All Chapters of SOLD TO THE NOTORIOUS MAFIA ALPHA- His Pleasure Thing: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
109 Chapters
Chapter 81
Two maids were sent up to my room to help me bathe; that is, Laura and another female maid who I didn't know her name and I didn't bother asking. I have come to realize most of the maids here don't like me that much as they blame me for their colleague Isabella's death which is what I believe led the maid Jessica to push me down the stairs. So it's basically pointless trying to make friends with them, however I did allow them to bathe me because frankly speaking I didn't have the strength to bathe for myself.Peacefully with my eyes closed I lied inside the warm soapy water of the tub while my body was being washed clean by the soft palms of the two maids. It was so relaxing and refreshing and once they were done I dried myself with a dry, white towel by myself. I don't need their help for that.“Is there anything else you would be needing?" Laura asked me, her tone showing her concern or rather pity for me.“No. Thank you," I said and she nodded then left with the other maid.As they
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Chapter 82
My God! Jessica's skin was all peeled up and bruised from the harsh beating given to her by Marcel. I could see the whip imprint all over her body. It was really nasty and I felt so sorry for her that when the doctor who had originally come to attend to my own wounds and injuries arrived I asked him to attend to Jessica first as her condition was more critical than mine.”Sorry. You will be fine."I tried to console her as I saw the pain she was experiencing when ointment was being applied on her wounds however I was met with a harsh response from her.“What are you doing here? And why are you pretending that you care? This is your fault!" She yelled at me and that was quite startling.What does she mean this is my fault? Am I the one that whipped her or was I the one that told her to push me down the stairs so that she got punished?“I don't appreciate that tone. I am only trying to help," I said as her words had kinda gotten me upset.I should be the one angry at her for pushing me
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Chapter 83
“What are you doing with that and why are you naked?" Gloria who was dressed rather formally, as she was putting on a dark blue female suit, though the skirt was tight and extra short revealing most of her fresh, smooth thighs.“Well I intend to surprise you but I am the one who ended up being surprised. How did you get this much money?" Mike asked interrogatively, looking rather pissed.“It's mine. I didn't steal it," Gloria said defensively as she walked fast closing the distance between them with her black high heels making a loud knocking sound with every step.“I never said you stole it. What I asked is, how did you get it? I mean this is a whole lot of money," Mike said and his suspicion could be heard in his voice.“I got paid for a job I did. Okay?" Gloria replied, still in her defensive form.“What job? You and I both know a customer service job doesn't pay this much so tell me what job you are talking about?" Mike said his eyes searching hers like he was looking for answers
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Chapter 84
“I want to fuck you so hard," Marcel had whispered into Ella's ear.“Then do it." Ella was surprised by her own response as she wondered when she had become so shameless.If asked this question a 100 times she would probably have refused him 99 times but at this very moment her body craved him so badly that she was willing to risk it all. Guess this is the exemption.Marcel needed no other invitation or permission as he lifted Ella up and lay her perfectly on the bed then he climbed on top of her but was careful not to crush her with his sheer weight as he supported most of his weight in his strong arms that he spread across the bed that enveloped her. Kissing her a few more times Marcel began taking off his clothes and when he took off his pants Ella's eyes dilated as she was left utterly shocked and speechless at the size of his already erected dick.The size of it! It was unlike anything she has ever seen. A living monster of a penis as it was long with thick veins all over it like
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Chapter 85
I turned around to find Eden smiling rather stupidly.What has gotten into him?“So he finally did it?" He said, still with that silly smile all over his face and that got me confused.“Who did what?" I asked.“Marcel of course. He finally got you in his bed as he said he would," Eden said and my heart started beating really fast.What is he trying to insinuate? “What do you mean by that?" I asked, feeling upset but also hurt.“I bet you must feel very special? Very special indeed," He said, then burst out laughing in a mocking manner causing me to feel even more hurt.“If you have anything to say to me just say it and stop beating around the bush," I tried to act tough while I was dying inside of emotional pain.“Why don't you ask Marcel yourself when he returns," he said rather evilly before walking away leaving my heart and soul rusting away...★Marcel had always considered himself very fast which is reasonable since he moves faster and a speeding bullet but his reflexes were abo
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Chapter 86
With the aid of Victor, Marcel and his companions were able to locate 3 other wolves; two male who were both in their early thirties and a female who was in her late teens. This time around they didn't face much hostility to get them to listen to them and not try to chop off their heads because the 3 wolves were all friends of Victor. However they did have questions most especially about Marcel not having the scent of a wolf.“So you are saying he is the late Alpha Jacob's son?" One of the men, named Bale asked, directed to Victor but his eyes fixated on Marcel.“Yes he is. I know you were but a boy when the alpha was killed but I am sure you can still remember how he looked. Take a good look at this man and you will know for yourself that he is Jacob's son," Victor answered with conviction.“He does look like him but how come he doesn't smell anything like him?" Bale said, stating his observation.“Yes he doesn't smell like a wolf," the other new member, the teenage girl who goes by
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Chapter 87
“What? You can't be serious," Rolan said, surprised at Selena's response.“I am serious. I am ready to help," Selena repeated what she had said this time with even more conviction.Rolan drew closer to her, grabbing her arm as he took her some couple of steps away. He was determined to sway her away from her initial decision.In a whispering, warning tone he spoke. “It's too dangerous. I won't let you risk your life over one child you don't even know. You are destined for far more greater things than this. Do not act on your impulses or feelings. Have a good think about this."Selena took her eyes up to him before speaking in a whispering tone as well. “I have thought about it and what good am I if I allow an innocent child to die? My great destiny begins here and I am sorry but you don't have the right to stop me.” She walked away to meet Marcel and the couple once she finished talking.Selena's words really hurt Rolan emotionally as all he was trying to do is keep her safe just as
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Chapter 88
One shadow creature is enough to do a lot of damage to three wolves nevermind 15 shadow monsters! Rolan and Selena knew the great danger they were in right now and the only option for them really was to flee and even that is not a certainty that they will escape as the shadow monsters are way faster than them.“We stay and fight," a resilient and determined Selena said and Rolan glanced at her.His eyes held so much emotion. He has vowed to keep her safe from harm and has always been sure about his abilities to do so. He trains both day and night so he will be strong enough to protect her but at this moment he lacks the confidence that he will be able to keep to his vow regardless though he wasn't going to leave her side even if that means his death..Meanwhile Marcel was still in that crouched position trying to recover from the blow he received and as his wounds uncharacteristically healed slowly and his strength began to replenish so his anger built up within.Taking his eyes up M
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Chapter 89
”Please don't do this.." I pleaded with Eden as he struggled to take off my dress.”Shush," he hushed me up as he pressed me down on the bed.“You don't know how long I have waited for this moment right here. I have even dreamt about it," his said and it was obvious he was far gone, drowning in his lust and desire to have me.I understood immediately that I cannot talk or reason myself out of this situation and no one is coming to my aid. All I have is myself and me.. I got to stand up for myself. I need to be strong for the first time in my life but I know I cannot overpower him. He is much stronger than I so I have to outsmart him and an idea came into my head.I put on my flirtatious appearance as I leaned forward to him. “What took you so long then? I have also been fantasizing about you also," I said and Eden's eyes dilated in shock and then a delighted smile then touched his lips.“Really? You have been craving for my touches as well?" He asked, still looking rather stunned.Pl
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Chapter 90
“You killed her, you killed my girlfriend. You killed Jane," a grieving, angry Eden who was on his knees said to Marcel as they were just outside the building.“It should have been you in her place," Marcel said without any form of remorse or sympathy and Eden's eyes dilated.“You will betray and harm your family for her?" Eden said, his eyes moving towards Ella with disdain.“How can you open your mouth and speak of betrayal when you are the worst betrayal ever? And do you even understand the concept of the world, family? I don't think you do because if you did your girlfriend Jane would have still been alive but her only crime was loving you. Her death is in your hands and the guilt will haunt you forever," Marcel said and Eden buried his head to the ground in shame and guilt.“I never meant for it to lead to this, I only wanted to have a little fun. I thought she meant nothing to you. You said it yourself that you do not care about what I do to her," he said and Ella felt a bit sad
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