All Chapters of SOLD TO THE NOTORIOUS MAFIA ALPHA- His Pleasure Thing: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
108 Chapters
Chapter 1
“Listen up everyone. Can I get you guys' attention please? Thank you," my boyfriend Mike said aloud, getting everyone's attention including mine and that of my best friend Gloria's.“What is he doing?" I asked my best friend but she shrugged.“I don't know."I took my attention back to him as he took center stage amongst the gathering of his friends and family. It was actually his dad's birthday and there were a lot of people present at the garden of his compound which was the location.I really don't know what he was up to but my best guess is that he wanted to make a toast to his father, however he had already done that and gave him his gift- an expensive Rolex wrist watch.Does he have another gift to give his dad?? Well I can't really bet against that knowing how much he loves both his parents.With everyone's attention on him he flashed me a loving smile, his white teeth shining like the stars up in the sky above us, melting my heart as I blushed. I must confess he looks so hands
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Chapter 2
It's been 3 days since Mike proposed to me and ever since that day I have been receiving congratulation messages non-stop both physically and in my mails from family and friends. It was so much that I started feeling like a mini celebrity. It's really great to see that so many people care about me and are wishing me well. It made me feel loved and important.When I told my parents about the engagement they were so excited and just like Mike's parents they too started making plans for the wedding. One would think they were the ones who got engaged.So funny but cute.Just thinking about walking down the aisle with Mike is making my heart all bubbling with joy and I found myself daydreaming about it smiling sheepishly like a fool…The sudden vibration of my pants startled me back to reality and that was when I noticed it was my phone ringing inside my jeans' pocket.Bringing out my phone from my pocket I smiled as I saw it was my fiance, Mike that was calling.Speaking of the devil, ri
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Chapter 3
I feel so unusual, like I was drowning in a pit of darkness and I couldn't get out. My head felt so heavy as if everything around me was spinning about in circles and there was this foul smell that encircled me like a cloud of thick smoke and I couldn't get away from it. Where the fuck am I?I could hear faint strange voices like murmurs but when I tried to open my eyes to see my environment I found it hard to. It seemed like I had lost the ability to control my eyes movement, like my brain was working in super slow mode. Everything just felt so disoriented and the foul smell was tormenting my nose so bad I felt like I was going to suffocate.Gradually though I managed to open my eyes a little but it wasn't much helpful as my vision was all blurry. I couldn't see anything properly but it seemed I was lying on the floor as I started feeling cold.What exactly is going on? Is this some kind of weird dream?I tried to force myself to open my eyes fully but it was still proving hard and
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Chapter 4
I couldn't believe my eyes, standing behind the rusty bars of the dungeon was my best friend Gloria and just seeing her filled my spirit with belief that I am saved. I couldn't explain the joy I felt seeing her. I didn't really care to know how she found me or knew I was in trouble. I am just glad she is here to save me from these monsters.“Gloria! Please help me," I called out with tears in my eyes, believing she was here to rescue me..However the look in her eyes as she stared at me, it was something I can never forget. It was a look filled with so much contempt and hate I became afraid, thinking she probably doesn't recognize me anymore.“Why is she still alive?" She said to my captives but I couldn't believe my ears.I must not have heard right, there is no way she just said that. No way!“We just wanted to have some fun with her first," the leader of the thugs replied as he pulled his pants up and I watched in total shock as both of them conversed about my demise like familiars
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Chapter 5
He might be super attractive but Elijah guest Blue-Death was making me extremely afraid and self conscious more than Elijah and his thugs had ever made me feel and he is doing this by just staring at me. He hasn't even touched or said anything to me. He had this dangerous aura about him that I couldn't really understand but it feels he could do far more worse things to me than Elijah and his men can ever do. No wonder Elijah looked so scared when he heard his name back at the dungeon and is that why they call him Death? Because he has a dangerous, deadly aura about him??“So what do you say, should we set up a room for you two? Or would you like to have her here, right now?" Elijah said to him, arching his eyebrows.“I am here for the money you are owing and not to indulge in one of your whores," he finally spoke, his voice low but full with a lot of authority.However the fact he called me a whore hurt me more than it should. It hurts me to my very bones. I don't know why that is th
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Chapter 6
I was terrified as well as confused at the whole situation but I went with Elijah's guest without a fight. I do not know what he plans on doing to me and I fear it wasn't something good but at least I will be away from Elijah and his useless men.I could see the look of regret on Elijah's face as I walked away I am sure he must be regretting why he didn't fuck me when he had the chance. Fucking retard!Though he didn't penetrate me he had done much danger on my psyche. I don't feel complete anymore. I feel damaged and used and for this I will never forgive him and I wish him all the pain and suffering in this world on him for the rest of his life...As this attractive but intimidating man led me away with his strong hand holding my arm firm I felt my heart beating so hard and fast. I was honestly terrified and don't know why. He hasn't done anything to make me think he plans on doing me harm to me but I couldn't help this inner feeling I was having, that he could do more evil to me t
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Chapter 7
“Maybe next time then," Marcel replied, his tone not sincere.“So who is she?" Eden asked, taking his attention to me and there was a dark desire that lingard in his eyes as they wandered away from my face to my slightly opened chest.“She?" Marcel took his eyes to me but no such desire was in his eyes it just felt he could see through me. To my darkest secrets and insecurities.I don't like it one bit but still it fascinates me somewhat.“Well, I haven't decided yet," he said and I swallowed, feeling nervous.What does he mean ‘he hasn't decided yet?What does that mean?I ought to have asked him there and then but I remained mute, probably I was scared for the answer he would give me.“Come on, let's go in. You have to tell me all that went down in that idiot's place," Eden said…I was escorted into the house and the interior design of the mansion was equally as magnificent if not more impressive than the outside design with large, beautiful and intrinsic paintings hung on the wall
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Chapter 8
“Oh..fuck..Yes.." Gloria kept moaning as Mike penetrated her hard from behind causing the bed to shake and vibrate from underneath themHer ass was clapping like thunder with every thrust of his as his hard member filled and bores deep inside of her causing her to experience both pain and pleasure simultaneously. She was enjoying it.“Yes…Yes..Oh fuck!.."This is exactly what she had been dreaming for since- getting fucked hard and crazy by Mike.Gloria can't count how many times she had masturbated thinking and fantasizing about having Mike's thick, long cock deep inside of her. Countless!Her best friend, Ella had always tell her about how Mike's cock was impressive and how good he was on bed and though Gloria hated the fact that Ella was fucking Mike she couldn't help herself but to get wet by the tales as she visualized in her mind how big his dick is to the point she had to sneak on Mike and Ella while they were having sex just to see the size of his dick herself and she wasn't d
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Chapter 9
I still couldn't believe the amount of food that was on the table and the most outrageous thing was that there were only six people present at the table. Two beautiful young ladies were seated in-between a man in the left hand side of the table. I don't really know who they were but the three of them were acting like a couple- all touchy and it was pretty strange.At the right hand side another pretty lady but this one had blonde hair. She was seated beside Marcel's friend, Eden and finally was Marcel. He was seated all by himself in the host seat like a king. He does look like one. A very proud and powerful king.I am 100% sure the seven of us, that's with myself included, can't finish all these dishes but there again with the way my tummy is grumbling of hunger maybe I alone can devour the whole thing down.Jokes apart though the foods are just too much. I don't understand why rich people waste their money anyhow when there are many people out there who are starving. All this food
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Chapter 10
“Boss. What are you thinking about?" One of Elijah's men said to him while he was seated lost in trance.Sighing. “I just can't get my head over it," Elijah said, having a serious expression.“Over what, boss?" His man asked curiously.“Why would Blue-Death clear off my debts to have that girl," he said, having a thinking expression.“I also was surprised by his action but I thought you would be happy that you no longer have to worry about paying him," the man replied.“I am happy but it just doesn't make sense plus I really wanted to fuck that girl. She looked so appetizing and I have thought about all the different ways I was going to destroy all her holes," Elijah said and he was already fantasizing about driving his cock into Ella's mouth and he could feel himself getting hard.“You are right, boss. Her ass is built like I cake. I wouldn't mind eating it everyday," his man said with a silly smile.A frown formed on Elijah's face as he knew a great opportunity had passed him by and
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