All Chapters of SOLD TO THE NOTORIOUS MAFIA ALPHA- His Pleasure Thing: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
108 Chapters
Chapter 31
After I was done bathing, I dried myself with a clean, white, dry towel then changed into a light, simple night gown before coming out.“You are done?" Isabella who was still seated by the edge of the bed said.“Yes," I responded as I approached and sat beside her.“Can I serve you your food now?" She asked, rather too excited about it.“Okay," I smiled and watched as she stood up and went and brought the tray from the table to the bed.As she served the food onto a plate the smell of well seasoned steak and sweet aroma of spaghetti sauce hit my nose in a pleasant delight. I can't wait to have them dancing in my mouth but first..“Have you seen that new kid Marcel brought to the mansion?" I asked.“The boy?" She raised a brow.“Yes, his name is Kyle from what madam Yesenia called him and I think Marcel is keeping him here against his will just like me," I said with a slight frown.“That's terrible."“Yeah really terrible but we can help him," I said and she looked confused and a bit c
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Chapter 32
It was midnight in Marcel's mansion and almost everyone was fast asleep including the beautiful Ella. She lay like a princess on the king-sized bed with her thin fabric gown barely covering her body but she had no reason to fear as the doors and windows of her room were locked shut or so she thought.As she slept peacefully all of a sudden a strange wind blew against the window from the north causing it to depart and open up. The strange wind filled further into the dark room like a mischievous smoke; blowing against Ella who was still sleeping unaware of what was transpiring as the edges of her gown blew up and danced in the air from the effect of the strange wind blowing against it.Ella's smooth, sexy legs and thighs were let bare but there was nothing to fear, it's just a harmless wind after all however it won't seem the case anymore when in the darkness two small blue glowy small circles like eyeballs suddenly appeared beside the bed Ella lay and then the two glowy circles materi
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Chapter 33
I wanted to but I couldn't. I couldn't refuse Marcel's orders; it was almost like I was compelled to obey properly because I was fearful of him or maybe it's simply because I was secretly excited to accompany him to this unknown occasion so that I would have an excuse to stay by his side. I would argue it is the first but I won't be able to bet my life if it depends on it.Marcel was already waiting for me inside the back seat of the black Chevrolet SUV that had been parked closer to the entrance of the mansion and as I came out of the building I could see two of his men standing close by the door and one of the men opened and held the door open until I got in before closing it shut.“Drive."Marcel instructed as soon as I sat down and the driver motioned the vehicle out of the compound and onto the road with four other vehicles following us behind as security escort.As the vehicle moved through the roads and streets I became more and more anxious and nervous as to where we were actu
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Chapter 34
Location: Italy, Rome.Time: 4:05pmMarcel's private jet landed safely at the airport in Rome- Flumicino International Airport also known as Leonardo da Vinci. A black range rover came to pick them up from the airport and drove them to an elegant looking mansion which happens to be one of Marcel's properties.“Welcome boss," the house attendants welcomed Marcel and her guest Ella in.”Is this where the art exhibition will take place?" Ella asked in a rather confused state.From the way she was looking around one could tell she was impressed by the structure and designs of the mansion.“No. This is my house," Marcel replied, leaving Ella amazed and shocked.“Your house?"Just how rich is this man?!“Yes. One of my houses," Marcel replied plainly and Ella's eyes dilated.“How many houses do you have?" She asked.“As many as I need," he replied then turned his attention to one of the servants.“Please see my guest to her room," he instructed.“I thought we were attending an art exhibitio
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Chapter 35
”What do you mean my paintings are alive?" Marcel frowned at me and for a second I was scared and embarrassed to speak.It doesn't really make sense but it's the truth.“I..I don't know but it's the truth," I summoned up boldness.“I see them in my room. or was it in my dreams?" I was suddenly confused.Did the figures actually appear in my room or did I dream about it? I wasn't certain which but I was sure I had seen them.“So you are saying you saw a four headed beast with four tails in your room?" Marcel said in a sarcastic tone. I could tell he thinks I am speaking crazy.“Yes_No...I mean, it was dark so I didn't really see how it's body looks like, so I don't really know if it has four heads or four tails but those faces and eyes. The blue and yellow ones. I have seen them before. They were glowy. It must be real. You have to believe me," I said and I don't know why I was desperate for him to believe me.“You don't expect me to believe that nonsense," he said, the frown on his fa
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Chapter 36
“Argg.." Jackson groaned in pain as he fell down on one knee, a result from getting punched hard in the guts by Marcel...I could see and almost feel the pain Jackson was passing through as Marcel was assaulting him non-stop. I know Marcel's anger is justified, Jackson was cheating on his sister but that's not enough reason to want to kill the man!“Please no more. No more. Please..I am sorry," Jackson pleaded with Marcel but the latter wasn't listening to anything the former had to say.A punch and a kick sent Jackson crashing on the floor and now he was bleeding from his nose, as it was broken from the impact of Marcel's fist.“Why are you doing this?" Jackson struggled to speak, coughing out blood.It's almost like speaking has become a very painful exercise. However the expression in his eyes suddenly changed from that of fear to anger and hate.“She is not even related to you," Jackson said face facing the ground as he was still in a crouched position with both hands touching th
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Chapter 37
“How dare you record me without my consent. That's harassment!" Gloria tried to play the victim.“Hey, quit the act. I know what you need and now I have gotten more than enough evidence to put you behind bars," Detective James said.“You can't put me behind bars just because I lied about the Nigerian prince," Gloria acted unfazed.“True but I can and will get you locked up for the disappearance of your friend, Ella." The detective said.“And what proof do you have that I had anything to do with Ella's disappearance?"“Oh it will shock you how much evidence I got. For one I know you were with Ella at the club the night she went missing despite testifying you had not been with her the entire day and don't even try to deny it because I have surveillance footages as prove, couple with the fact that you intentionally provided false, fabricated culprit as a decoy to mislead and manipulate the case away from you. Smart move, really smart move but your games are over," the detective said and
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Chapter 38
Ella was busy lying on the bed sleeping when suddenly someone barged into the room in the middle of the night waking her up from her sleep in a jumpMarcel?She was surprised to see it was Marcel but she felt a brief relief that it was him and wasn't someone else as she had initially thought it was a thief that had broken in however she quickly noticed there was something off with him. Something definitely was off with him.Marcel had his white shirt unbuttoned completely revealing all his sexy body and he had his eyes constantly on Ella like a hawk stalking its prey. Ella could see a familiar hunger in his eyes, the same hunger she had seen in her previous abductor Elijah and Marcel's best friend Eden. A hunger to have her body!“Why are you here? What do you want?" Ella asked as she no longer felt safe with him in the room anymore.“I can't think straight...I can't control myself anymore...I can't hold it any longer.." Marcel spoke in a low, forced tone like he was starved of oxyge
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Chapter 39
The maid led me to Marcel's room as I wasn't familiar with this building and didn't know where Marcel's room or chamber was as she called it.“Here. This is Senor Marcel's chamber," she said pointing at a brown painted wooden door that had some sculptural imprints on them.“Thank you," I responded and then she smiled before taking her leave.I stood staring at the door for some lengthy seconds without knocking. The reason was not that I was observing or admiring the designs on the door frame. Far from that. The truth is that I was trying to compose and prepare myself to face Marcel after last night's weird, strange dream as I feared he would be able read my thoughts just by looking at my face.Gosh so embarrassing!After I had gotten a measure of composure I slowly knocked on the door and a few seconds went by before I got a response.“Come on in."No mistaking that was Marcel's voice and just the sound of it was making me nervous. Taking in deep breaths I opened the door and walked i
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Chapter 40
Marcel's Iris and pupils only changed to golden yellow for a brief moment before they returned back to its initial crystal blue color and one could tell it wasn't a deliberate act on his part but more like a reflex action that he had no control over however a smile formed on the old lady's face as she was quick enough to notice the change in color of Marcel's eyes.”Ah, gelosia (spirit of jealousy)." She muttered softly to herself.“What are these entities you speak of?" Marcel inquired, his tone carrying a bit of urgency.“They are inside you so you should be the one telling me. Don't you hear their voices? Don't they speak to you?" She said and Marcel narrowed his gaze at her.“How do you know all these? Who are you?..What are you?"“Well some call me mother, others, old lady and there are those who call me I gelosia, witch. I guess I am all of those things," she said with a smile.”So you see things?"“I do."“So tell me what are these creatures I keep drawing in my painting and ho
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