All Chapters of SOLD TO THE NOTORIOUS MAFIA ALPHA- His Pleasure Thing: Chapter 101 - Chapter 108
108 Chapters
Chapter 101
”Nephew??...Uncle?? What the hell is going on here?" Rolan was left shocked and confused at what he was witnessing.“I don't know." Marcel glanced at him, his expression was also filled with confusion.“Won't you give your favorite uncle a hug?" The man that emerged from the dark cloud said with a charming smile.“Uncle Benjamin, is this really you?" Marcel asked and although the person standing in front of him looked just exactly like his uncle Marcel was having serious doubts as he thought his uncle to be long dead.“Yes it's me, my boy. I really miss those times you accompany me hunting and fishing. We used to have a lot of fun together, don't we?" The man said and Marcel's eyes became filled with lots of emotion as he remembered those fond memories he shared with his uncle in the past.“How is this possible? I..I thought you were dead," Marcel said, his brain working extra hard to process the situation.“I won't be here talking to you if I was dead, would I?" He said a bit teasing
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Chapter 102
Marcel watched helplessly as his pregnant mother was being suffocated in her sleep by the dark cloud and when it seemed all hope was lost suddenly the door of the room opened up abruptly as his father, Alpha Jacob rushed inside the room with purpose.“Stay away from my wife!" He roared as he jumped into action and right immediately the demon cloud shifted its attention away from his wife to him and almost instantly she woke up in a thin, stretched gasp.The dark cloud met Alpha Jacob in mid air and its force sent him flying backwards and crashing violently against the wall.“Jacob!" His pregnant wife screamed worriedly and the dark cloud turned its attention to her once more causing her to panic in fear.It started moving towards her and all the faces in the cloud had their mouths open wide like they wanted to devour her while she tried her best to get away from them by moving backwards on the bed but soon enough back was pressing against the bed head and there was no other place for
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Chapter 103
“I am sorry. I am truly sorry. I should have done better. I should have kept you safe like I had promised father I would," Marcel apologized to his brother for not being competent enough to protect him when they were both just kids and even though he did his best to protect him that almost cost him his life back then.“It's too late for apologies now and as you can see I turned out much better on my own. I never needed you," Jason said, his hate for his brother very much evident in his voice.“What's this? This is no time for fight or quarrel. This is time for rejoicing and reuniting." Their uncle Benjamin stepped in and Marcel took his eyes to him.Marcel was still very much angry with his uncle as he now knew he was actually the beast that killed his parents that fateful day but knowing that he was influenced and poisoned by the laetus into commiting the act plus the fact that his younger brother is still alive Marcel doesn't really know how to feel anymore. He wasn't really certain
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Chapter 104
Gloria couldn't believe her eyes and her heart almost gave out of sheer fright on sighting Ella seated on the couch as she was convinced it was in fact Ella's ghost that had come to haunt and harm her for taking her life.“This can't be can't be real. I must be seeing things," she said, her voice heavily laced with fear and panic and to make matters worse Ella wasn't saying anything. She was just busy staring at her and that gave Gloria goosebumps all over her body.Gloria thought of running but she couldn't find the mental strength to move her feet as her whole body was in shock. Plus she knew she really couldn't outrun a ghost. She knew she was super cooked! Just then though Mike came into the sitting room from the kitchen with the cooking apron still tied around his waist and neck and upon seeing him Gloria became a bit relieved.“Babe! A..Are you seeing what I am seeing on the couch?" She asked, walking towards him but his face immediately formed into an angry frown.“Do
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Chapter 105
“What are you all doing? I said kill him!" Marcel's uncle Benjamin yelled with a rather stunned and angry expression.“They do not answer to you anymore. It's over. You lost," Marcel said then stepped his boot rather forcefully on Benjamin's chest pressing him to the ground where he lay.Seconds later Selena and the rest of the crescent pack bust into the scene with their minds prepared for the fight of their lives as they thought the alpha's call they heard was a battle call but they were left shocked seeing the whole army of the shadow creatures all on their knees, bowing down to Marcel and also the shadow king beneath his feet.“What did we miss?" Selena asked Rolan rather sarcastically.“Absolutely nothing," Rolan replied with the same tone…“So tell me uncle. What should I do with you now?" Marcel asked, staring down at his helpless uncle with a wicked expression.”Have mercy. You know I am family. You can't harm your blood," Benjamin pleaded, trying to use emotional blackmail on
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Chapter 106
“Where is Gloria?" I asked Mike when he came back alone.“I am sorry she got away but don't worry I will call the cops they should be able to apprehend her in no time," he said trying to be optimistic and I let out a sigh.“Gloria is a lot more clever than you think. I don't think it will be that easy for the cops to arrest her especially now she knows I am alive. She will probably go hide somewhere no one can find her," I said and he frowned slightly.“I promise I will make sure she is caught, trial and jailed so we can get married and live peacefully and happily together," he said then kissed me on my lips but I felt nothing. No connection at all so I quickly ended the kiss.Faking a smile. ”I need to leave," I said as I didn't want to embarrass him by rejecting him if he tried being intimate with me.I am still not comfortable being around him in an intimate manner and I don't think I will be comfortable anytime soon.“Why? You haven't even had the meal I am preparing for you," he
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Chapter 107
I came back home to meet Kyle treating himself to a loaf of bread and peanut butter and a soft smile formed on my face as I watched as he downed the whole thing in his mouth in a rather uncivilized and uncultured manner but I found it kinda cute and I also felt a bit guilty because I left him in the apartment to see Mike without preparing a proper meal now he is stuffing mouth with junks.“Sorry I took so long," I said to him announcing my presence but he could only nod his head as his mouth was all stuffed up with bread mixed with peanut butter.My eyes went to the table and I could see he had already eaten the loaf of sliced bread halfway down and the jar of peanut butter was almost empty. I couldn't help but to shake my head in wonderment.“You shouldn't be consuming this amount of peanut butter. It isn't good for your health. That's enough. Let me go prepare something healthy for you to eat," I said and he gave me a thumbs up as his mouth was still full.I just smiled and immediat
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Chapter 108
The trio werewolves; Marcel, Rolan and Victor ran rampage on the intruders; uprooting body parts like they were harvesting in a farm but intentionally caused no harm to any of Marcel's siblings as well as Kate's husband Jackson meanwhile Eden, Kate and Jackson on their part watched on helplessly and frustratedly as their men drop down dead like insects until the wolf hunters stepped in.While Marcel and his companions were busy slaughtering everyone on sight, the leader of the wolf hunters Alex tapped into his vast experience on killing werewolves as he bought out a large silver net that had been sprinkled and bathed in wolfsbane and with the aid of three other hunters he flung it into the air just the way a fisherman throws his fishing net into the lake when fishing. However this wasn't just a lucky throw as Alex anticipated where the fast moving werewolves would be and the large net came down and actually caught one.“Ahhhh!" An agonizing screams echoed in the air as the silver net
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