All Chapters of SOLD TO THE NOTORIOUS MAFIA ALPHA- His Pleasure Thing: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
108 Chapters
Chapter 51
“What's wrong?" Eden also panicked, thinking his girlfriend Jane had caught them or something.“That kid is watching," Laura pointed at Kyle while covering her body in shame.“You mischievous bastard!" Eden frowned at Kyle and immediately Kyle ran away as he feared being caught and punished by Eden.The maid Laura gathered herself to leave as she was no longer comfortable with the act.“Where are you going? I am not done yet," Eden said, his eyes moving down to his still erected penis.“Sorry I can't. Next time," she replied and then scampered away from the kitchen despite Eden best attempts to prevent her.“Fuck! I didn't even get to cum," Eden said frustratedly as he glanced down at his hard dick.“I'mma kill that boy," he vowed angrily…★Kyle was running back to his room feeling both excited and scared. Excited because he totally enjoyed what he watched but also terrified when he remembered he was almost caught. However he became all scared when he turned around and saw that Eden
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Chapter 52
I couldn't tell if Marcel was upset or happy with my actions the way he stared at me but I was still glad I went ahead with my plans as I was enjoying the interaction between him and his sister Kate even if it turns out he is upset with me for telling her the truth but for the fact that they have now patched things up between amongst themselves then it's worth it.It's a Job well done, so I headed up to my room but then.“Hey!" I heard someone call out and I turned around to see that it was Kate and it was me she was calling.”Please come," she said and everyone's eyes were on me including Marcel.I don't know why but this made me kinda shy and as I walked down the stairs it felt like time went by slowly. When I finally got to her I tried my best not to take note of the other eyes on me most especially Marcel's because I feared it might be a condemning stare.“Thank you very much," she said, embracing me tightly and I hugged her back.“I didn't get your name," she said after we diseng
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Chapter 53
”Haha..." I was full of laughter and joy as I played the virtual game.It felt so real and at one point I thought I was being chased down by actual creatures and sometimes I had to take off the headset to remind myself that it was actually just a game.After a good time playing that particular game we switched to another game which was a virtual motor racing game and it was mad fun though I kept crashing into things. It if was in real life I would have ended up in a hospital with the amount of crashes I had. I ain't really good at games but it didn't stop it from being fun.“You know I really needed this. Thank you," I said to Kyle and he just smiled at me.“You are welcome."We went ahead and played some other games until we decided we had had enough for the day then we left the room which I now refer to as the Game World.“Bye," I said my goodbyes to Kyle as he entered his room and I proceeded to advance to mine...★“You don't seem to get it do you?" Eden frowned as he tried to con
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Chapter 54
“W..what?..N..Noo. I mean.." I became a fully grown stammerer overnight as Marcel totally caught off guard with that statement.“Relax. You were saying?" He said and it seemed he was enjoying this.“I wasn't looking at your body," I finally managed to say fluently but Marcel just smiled kinda wickedly.“If you say so then."“Can I leave now?" I asked as I was feeling so embarrassed to remain there especially with the way he was staring at me.“You can go," he said and I hurriedly rushed to the door.“Wait," he said, halting my steps.What does he want again??“Yes?" I asked.“Starting from tomorrow you will be my personal maid so I expect to see you in my room before 7 AM. Noted?" he informed me and I frowned slightly.“Okay sir," I said sarcastically.“Can I go now?" I asked impatiently and he waved his hand gesturing for me to leave which I did....Gosh! So embarrassing. I ran to my room but then I started to smile and laugh even though I was still feeling embarrassed but it's kind
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Chapter 55
Marcel came out of the bathroom to find Ella in his room standing half naked as she was in the process of putting on the specially made maid's uniform he had brought for her. It would have been a gentlemanly behavior for him to have looked away immediately when he saw her in that state and normally that would have been what he would have done but for some strange reason Marcel couldn't take his eyes off Ella it was almost like he was hypnotize as he stood there just staring at her.Isn't she just so sumptuously inviting? Why don't you have a taste of her - Marcel's blue eyes glowed a bit as his demons started communicating with him.Come on. Go ahead and claim her. She is all for the taken - a grim golddish, yellow glow followedHis demons were alive and hungry at the sight of Ella's smooth sexy body and Marcel found it almost impossible to resist them.“Why are you just staring? Wouldn't you turn around so I can get dressed?" Ella said with a frown and flushed cheeks. Her arms folde
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Chapter 56
Why has he come to my room? I thought he chased me out of his room despite asking me to clean it up. I don't want to see him too.Yes I don't want to see him but why did my spirit lift up when I heard his voice?“What do you want?!" I shouted rudely.“To come in," he replied calmly.“Why are you asking for my permission then? I thought you don't need any permission to enter any room in this house," I said, my voice laced with sarcasm.“I wouldn't be asking you to open the door if you haven't bolted it from the inside," he said and I could sense a little annoyance in his voice.Good. I want him to get angry. Maybe then he would understand how I felt when he got me angry even though his was 10 times worse than this.“So what do you want me to do about that?" I asked, playing dumb.“Come and open the door," he said and he was gradually losing his temper.”I don't want to. Why don't you just leave me alone? You sent me away from your room and I left so why have you come here?" I started f
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Chapter 57
Gloria thought she would be riding in the Lamborghini alongside the extremely handsome man so she was quite disappointed when she was told she would be riding in one of the Ferraris instead. She soon shrugged off her feeling of disappointment as she sat down on the comfortable seat of the Ferrari. This would be her first time riding in such a luxury car and she was loving the life.It was a smooth ride and Gloria didn't even realize when they got to their destination until the vehicles started driving into a mighty opened gate. Staring outside the vehicle window Gloria's eyes met a structure that blew her mind away.A massive mansion,Wow! It looks so beautiful.Gloria couldn't take her eyes off the building and its beautiful surroundings as the vehicles drove slowly inside the compound of the mansion before parking just at the entrance of the building. Gloria also didn't fail to notice that the building was being guarded by lots of men that she lost count.Is he some kind of politici
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Chapter 58
Marcel, who was dressed in a royal golden robe, walked into his room and he met the four beautiful ladies already on top of his bed in their bikinis just as he had ordered. They looked really beautiful and tempting but surprisingly his demons were quiet like a graveyard.Are they not seeing this or are they asleep? Marcel wondered.Maybe his demons needed a little push to come alive and be awakened, he thought, so he walked to the bed and slowly climbed on it. As soon as he got on the bed the four ladies encircled him and started to romance his body. Just like Gloria the other ladies were also captivated by Marcel's beauty and were all eager to have a taste of him as well. Marcel is definitely their fantasy man and the four ladies all want to give him the best pleasure known to man.As they romancing Marcel's body he was impatiently waiting for his demons to come alive just like they usually do when Ella is around him- craving and begging to feed on her body. But there was still no si
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Chapter 59
Marcel was feeling disappointed and angry as he came out of his room. All his efforts just went to waste as he wasn't able to awaken his demons so they could have their fun with the ladies so that they would stop bugging him about sleeping with Ella. However as soon as he stepped out his room his nose picked up a very pleasant, familiar scent by the corner and he immediately took his eyes to that direction and that is when he saw Ella in a hidden position. On sighing Ella Marcel's demons that had initially been quiet all of a sudden came alive and started speaking. Ranting, even louder than before.She is the one we want.Just take her in your room and do what you have to do...★“What are you doing over there?" Marcel had asked and I didn't know what to reply and I couldn't even think of a lie to tell.“Nothing," I said and I knew right away that was a stupid reply.“What do you mean nothing?" He asked with his eyes piercing into my very soul.“I..I don't know," I said, yet another s
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Chapter 60
“What type of question is that of course I did the job. I killed the girl. Didn't I show you her dead body? She is dead. Why will you be asking me that type of question? I always get my job done," Elijah said, lying so convincingly.“Actually. You didn't," Gloria said and her expression was that of a person deep in thought.“What?" Elijah asked with a raised brow.“You didn't show me her dead corpse. When I came here Ella was still alive. I never saw her get killed. You never sent me any proof of her death," Gloria said and her expression tightened.“I can assure you she is dead. I pulled the trigger myself," Elijah said, trying his best to give away the fact that he was lying from his facial expression and speech.“Then why am I seeing her running around in a mansion?” Gloria frowned and for the first time Elijah lost composure.“W..What mansion?" He stuttered a bit.“The mansion of a rich, handsome man named Marcel. I saw someone who looks exactly like Ella in the mansion and she wa
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