All Chapters of SOLD TO THE NOTORIOUS MAFIA ALPHA- His Pleasure Thing: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
108 Chapters
Chapter 41
I panicked as I was certain I had been caught. He must have seen the book so I wanted to turn around and apologize for taking the book out of the library without any consent...“I think you dropped this," the Butler said and before I could speak and when I finally turned around I saw he was holding onto an earring.Huh? I was a bit lost.“Is this yours?" He had to ask to get me to focus. I quickly touched my ears and saw that my left ear was missing a ring.“Oh thanks. It must have fallen off my ear when I got up." I said and quickly collected it from his hands.“It's alright," he said with a collected demeanor.“I will be leaving now. Thanks," I said with a forced smile before scampering away from the library so that he wouldn't notice I was hiding the book.On getting to my room I heaved a sigh of relief.That was close.Bringing out the book of my dress I stared at it one time, observantly then I slowly walked towards the bed- Climbing the bed I sat down, resting my back and head
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Chapter 42
As Ella fell asleep on Marcel's shoulder he couldn't help but notice how relaxed it made him feel. His demons which were previously taunting and troubling him had suddenly gone calm like the night windless sea as if they were enjoying the feeling of her so close to them. Or maybe he is the one enjoying it?”We have gotten to the airport boss." Marcel's guard at the front seat announced to Marcel.“Should I wake her up?" He further stated his face pointing towards Ella.”No," Marcel replied rather abruptly.“I will take care of it." His voice returned back to its calm, collective tone.Glancing at Ella for some seconds as if he was deciding what to do with her Marcel then gently wrapped his arms around her as he slowly lifted her up from the chair in a bridal style. In this position he carried her to his private jet that was already ready for take off.All the while Marcel kept stealing glances of Ella's face as he carried her and he couldn't deny how incredibly beautiful and innocent
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Chapter 43
Inside a private chamber Marcel and Eden discussed.“So what is it you wanted to tell me?" Marcel asked as he poured himself a glass of tequila and Eden gave a weak sigh.“One of our cargos in the eastern sea got hit," he informed.“By who?" Marcel asked his tone carrying some particles of annoyance.“An unknown gang but I think they might be connected to Gustavo," Eden said and Marcel raised his brow.“And why will you say so?" He asked.“Well because of this," Eden replied, bringing out what looks like a piece of paper.“What does it say?" Marcel asked.“They are asking for the release of Gustavo unless more cargoes will be going down," Eden said but instead of getting angry like Eden expected Marcel smiled leaving Eden kinda perplexed.“Are you sure you heard what I said?"“I heard you perfectly," Marcel replied with a smile still on his face but then his expression became darkened.“It took them long enough."“How do you want us to handle this?" Eden asked.“Simple. We will give t
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Chapter 44
With Isabella leading the way we hurried out the now silent mansion. I can't believe the plan actually worked. However on our way out we saw Kyle standing just outside the door of his room. He must have not eaten the food like I instructed him to. Does this mean he has changed his mind and wants to leave with me?“Kyle. Let's go," I beaconed for him to come but he just stared at me before entering into his room and closing the door shut behind him.I felt sadness in my heart. Why will he choose to be a prisoner rather than being free?“Leave him alone. We have to leave now before Marcel returns," Isabella said, and she dragged me by the hand before I could say anything.We came out of the building and I could see some of the guards sleeping on the floor almost lifeless and I became somewhat worried.Isabella must have read my expression as she said to me. “Don't worry they ain't dead just peacefully asleep," she smiled before. “Let's get going." She abducted an urgent tone.Advancing
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Chapter 45
“I thought you said they would meet us up here?" Marcel said to his friend Eden with a slight frown.“Y..Yes. That's what's in the note they sent. It said we should bring him here," Eden replied, looking a bit confused as to why no one was present to receive Gustavo.“Well there is no one here," Marcel replied as he glanced around the empty park in a slightly disgusted manner.“I don't understand. Why would they ask us to meet here and not show up? Doesn't make any sense. Did they change their mind or are they afraid?" Eden said, as he was thinking out loud.Marcel went quiet for a while but he wore a calculative face…“It's a distraction." He suddenly declared.“What?" Eden didn't quite understand him.“Call home," Marcel's tone carried a wave of urgency.Right away Eden brought out his phone and dialed the mansion....“No one is picking up," he revealed.“We need to head back to the mansion, now!" Marcel charged as he suspected something was wrong.“You heard the man. Everyone back
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Chapter 46
“Let go of me... please stop!.." I screamed and pleaded with them as they picked me up from the floor of the vehicle and started sexually harassing me.I was grabbed hold of in my private areas. I can't even count how many hands that were touching and squeezing my boobs and ass as they were trying to rip my dress apart.‘Please stop!.." I kept crying out but it seemed my cries were amusing to their ears as they were all laughing foolishly.“Strip her naked and hold her still," the bony-faced man instructed as he began unbuckling his belt.His colleagues or friends immediately started carrying out his orders as they ripped apart my dress to the point that my undies became visible and they began forcefully trying to tear off those as well and meanwhile the bony-faced man has pulled down his pants and his hairy privates where lay bear to the world.“Suck it bitch," he said with a sick smile as he brought his stinky dick close to my mouth but I closed my mouth shut while trying my best to
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Chapter 47
So it ends here. Not the way I expected to leave this world but in the past weeks a lot of things have happened in my life that I had never really expected would happen to me, not even in my wildest dreams. So yeah, I guess I am now prepared to accept my final fate.I didn't take my eyes away from the man who is about to end my life and as his fingers pressed on the trigger I waited for that painful moment where I would be shot....“Ahhhhh!" Sounds of agonizing screams echoed in the empty space but they weren't mine.Fuck! The man's hand that was holding onto the gun had just been cut off from his wrist down and standing before him was a figure.“Not possible.." I muttered in shock as I saw it's actually Marcel.He is alive!!!Grabbing hold of the bony-faced man by the neck Marcel lifted him off the ground, hanging him up in the air as he strangled the life out of his body and his facial expression was fierce but his eyes were glowing blue this time around like the full moon. Blood
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Chapter 48
Seeing Marcel in his doorstep instantly freaked Elijah even though he had all his armed men with him and Marcel happened to be all alone without any weapon except for a large briefcase he was holding which it's content is unknown.“What's going on here?" Elijah asked again, trying to appear to be calm and collected.“This lunatic just barged into the building and he completely knocked Jimmy out. He fucking throw him into the glass door." One of Elijah's men explained.However Elijah immediately landed a hard slap across the man's face that cut open his lips and all his men became rather confused.“How dare you call my esteemed guest a lunatic? Quickly apologize before I have your balls cut off," Elijah threatened as he brought out a small dagger from his waist belt gesturing it in front of the man's face.“I am sorry," the man quickly apologized to Marcel and his face remained down from there on.“And why are you all pointing your guns at our guest!" Elijah yelled at his men and they
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Chapter 49
I couldn't really believe what I just saw, Kate boldly slapped Marcel across the face and after witnessing how dangerous Marcel can be as he had single handedly killed all of Elijah's men in the van with his bare hands I started feeling fearful for Kate's safety. The man he just hit can end her with just the tip of his finger if he wants to...However to my greatest surprise Marcel didn't flinch or react in any aggressive way. He just stood there like nothing had happened.“How dare you lay your hands on my husband? Who gave you the right to touch him." Kate rants fearlessly at the man who towels dangerously over her at roughly 6 ft 5 or 6 ft 4 while she is about the same height as me. That's 5 ft 7.“And how do you come to know about this?" Marcel asked calmly.“Do you really think I wouldn't find out what you did? Is that it?! Jackson told me himself and I couldn't believe my brother would do such a thing to my husband," Kate said and I could hear the pain, anger as well as hurt in
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Chapter 50
Why doesn't he want me to help? I could have just explained everything to his sister Kate and resolved the whole conflict between them. So why did he have to send me away? Honestly I am upset with him but I am more hurt than I was upset. The way he dismissed me pained me the most. He made it feel like I was useless to him. Maybe I am...I was in my room feeling sad for myself when the door suddenly opened up and walking in was an extremely good looking man that immediately caught my attention and made my heart skip a bit but my reaction was a frown.”Can't you knock?" I feigned annoyance.“Are you forgetting this is my house? I don't need permission to enter any room I want," Marcel said confidently and I rolled my eyes slightly as I didn't really want him to notice so he wouldn't get angry.“What if I was naked?" I asked.“I have seen a couple of naked women before. Do you think you have something special that they don't?" He said and I gasped as I was kinda taken aback by his statem
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