All Chapters of SOLD TO THE NOTORIOUS MAFIA ALPHA- His Pleasure Thing: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
108 Chapters
Chapter 21
Mike and the private detective he hired paid Gloria a visit on the detective's request.“So my client here Mike tells me you are best friends with his missing fiancee, right?" the detective asked where he sat on the couch beside Mike.“Yes, Ella and I are best friends," Gloria replied, approaching him with a glass of water.“Thank you," the detective said as he took the cup from her hands. Placing it on the small table in front of the couch he continued speaking. “Sorry but would you mind if I ask you a few questions concerning her? Not like an interrogation or anything.."“Of course I don't mind and you don't have to explain. I fully understand and I am willing to cooperate and help in any way to make sure my best friend Ella is found. You have no idea how horrible it has been for me these past days she has been missing…" Gloria said, pretending perfectly to be hurt and depressed at Ella's being missing.Truly she had both the detective and Mike fooled.“I am sorry," the detective s
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Chapter 22
Everywhere was silent as Mike and the detective waited to hear what Gloria had to say…“Well I don't know if this is going to help in any way or is the reason why Ella is missing but since we are turning all stones I think it's best you know this," Gloria stated, building up their curiosity as she cooked up her lies like an expert.“Go on, say it." Mike said to her with eagerness and urgency.“Alright. The thing is that for the past 6 months there has been this African prince Ella has been chatting with online. I think he said he is from Nigeria or so and he wanted her to be his bride," Gloria said and as expected Mike was left shocked.”What?! That can't be true." He rose up, like he was being tasered on the butt.“I am sorry Mike but it's the truth and I wouldn't have said this if it wasn't necessary because I know how much you love her but finding Ella is the priority right now," Gloria said, sounding so believable, like she really wanted to help.“Please I think it's best we hear
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Chapter 23
“Come on pick up... please pick up the goddamn phone," an impatient Ella lamented as she kept on calling her fiance's number but he wasn't picking up.Meanwhile,“Ahh..fuck here.. oh fuck..." Gloria was moaning loudly as Mike was riding her hard and rough from behind with sweat dripping down his forehead while his cell phone was busy ringing on the table..Gloria was truly enjoying the way his large, thick member was filling her hole completely as Mike was pushing deep into her like in search of hiding treasures and she wishes he nevers stops until he makes her cum but all of a sudden he stopped.What the fuck!“Why did you stop?" She asked, frustratedly.“I think my phone is ringing," Mike replied but that wasn't a good enough reason for him to stop drilling her in Gloria's book.“So? Let it continue ringing while we continue with what we are doing," she said as she was still madly horny and wanted him to satisfy her.“What if it's important? I think it's best I answer it," Mike said
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Chapter 24
“Wait what?" I was taken aback by the dare.There is no way Jane is agreeing on doing that. Making out with me?! Why would he even tell his girlfriend to do such a dare in the first place?“That's crazy," Jane laughed.“Exactly!" I concurred with her.Thank God she knew it's crazy, maybe now she would realize she has been dating a complete psychopath. Yes Eden is a psycho!“Yeah but you know what they say, a dare is a dare. You got to do the dare," Eden said with a silly smile.“I guess," Jane said and I was left surprised.Is she really considering it? What the fuck!“There is no way we are doing that, right?" I said trying to put some sense in her head.“It's just a game. It's no big deal," she said and I couldn't believe what I was hearing.“Just a game? You call making out with the same sex when I am straight, just a game??" Even saying that out loud was kinda disgusting to me.“So have you never kissed a female before?" She asked.“Ew no. Why would I?" I said with disgust but she
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Chapter 25
“Threesome?!" I gasped as I couldn't contain myself.“Yeah," she giggled excitedly.“Seriously?" I still couldn't believe it but she nodded her head to affirm she meant what she said.”Are we talking about two dudes here and a female or two females and a male?" Eden asked, not sounding too surprised.“Frankly speaking, either but most preferably two females and a male," she said and her eyes were on me when she spoke.No way. No way she is thinking what I think she is thinking?! Like seriously what kind of a couple is this?? The boyfriend has practically told me he wants to fuck me and now the girlfriend is also saying she wants a threesome while looking at me seductively.I think I need to bounce from here before it starts to get really weird really fast to be honest it's already very weird at this point but it could get worse.“I am suddenly not feeling too well, I think I need to rest," I quickly made up an excuse to leave. Placing my hand on my head and acting like I was feeling
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Chapter 26
Jane was busy putting back the dresses she had used for the modeling demo back into her closet when a call suddenly entered her cell phone.Staring at her phone that was ringing on the bed awkwardly as it was an unknown number Jane reluctantly picked it up and answered the call.“Hello. Who is this?" She asked.Mike was driving so he had to slow down when he heard a female voice and for an instant there he nearly flew over the moon as he thought the person was Ella but he quickly noticed that the person's voice sounds nothing like Ella so he became somewhat disappointed.“You called my line. I am hoping you tell me who you are," Mike said, his tone coming out a little bit interrogative.“No. You are the one that called my line," Jane argued with a slight frown forming on her face as she felt irritated thinking he was telling a blatant and obvious lie.“No, no. I didn't," Mike disagreed and that only got Jane pissed further.“What are you talking about? You are the one literally callin
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Chapter 27
”What is this?" Kingpin asked, fear and confusion written all over his face and the girls that were with him quickly hid under the table like they would save there.“Judgment day,," Marcel said in a calm but heart chilly way.“Judgment day?? I..I don't understand," Kingpin stuttered.“I know about Operation Armageddon Kingpin, don't even try to pretend. I know you are the one leading the operation," Marcel said and the shock could be clearly seen on Kingpin's face.This was supposed to be top secret. How did he find out about this? He contemplated and he came to the realization that there was a snitch amongst their ranks.“Who told you this?" He asked.“You should be more worried about your life," Marcel warned..Apparently the Kingpin and some other gang and mafia leaders have been planning on what they referred to as Armageddon and that is the assassination of Marcel who they believe is the most powerful and influential mafia leader but also the one hindering the growth of other gan
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Chapter 28
It was only a few seconds but it felt like an eternity as I almost lost myself in Marcel's stare. However getting myself I quickly turned away from the window and hid myself at the wall by the sideGosh! I could feel a mixture of excitement and anxiety in my heart.“But how did he know I was spying on him?" I asked myself and found it difficult to understand.Maybe it's just a coincidence and he really didn't know I was watching him, I tried to make sense of it.After a few seconds I decided to spy on him again. Carefully I peeped through the window.. but I didn't find him where he was before. He must have entered the building when I looked away, I concluded and weirdly I was feeling a bit disappointed. Why was I feeling disappointed though?Slowly I walked back to the bed but roughly sat on it.At first I wasn't anxious or anything but then a thought suddenly crept into my mind as I wondered what would happen if Jane should tell her boyfriend Eden or worse Marcel that I used her ph
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Chapter 29
As Marcel drew close to me I felt so small and weak in his presence and I didn't know when I started begging for my life like a little puppy.”Please don't hurt me.." ”You can't escape your punishment. Your pleas are pointless," he said, his voice carrying a sense of hatred as he approached me.His intimidating frame towered over me like a mountain, casting a powerful and dangerous shadow on me.I would lie if I said I wasn't terrified at this point. I could literally hear my heart beat but as strangely as it will seem for some very odd reason I was also excited.Like how? Why will I be excited about getting punished by this intimating, dangerous man??!Maybe it's because his sweet scent has started intoxicating me and clouding my mind or maybe some part of me is craving for his touch even if it's aggressive and violent.I really don't know why a part of me was excited about it but all I know is that there is no escaping this man and the things he had in-store for me which I feared w
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Chapter 30
“If he comes after any of us next then we will have to activate Operation Armageddon because there is no way I am sitting down and watching that monster end my life without a fight," Elijah said, though looking nervous.“But Operation Armageddon is not completely ready yet," Pedro said, showing doubts.“Do we have a choice? That's all we got. Let's just pray it doesn't get to that point because if it doesn't that's our only option whether it is ready or not," Elijah said and both men looked worried.“You may be right," Pedro replied, his forehead having bubbles of sweat molecules.“Of course I am right. In the meantime though we have to inform the rest of what has happened to the Kingpin and that they should prepare themselves for any impending attack on them as well as our plans are no longer a secret anymore," Elijah said and Pedro nodded.“Yes. I will be on my way now," he then said before excusing himself.“This is fucked up," Elijah looked so troubled as he sat down...*Eden an
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