All Chapters of SOLD TO THE NOTORIOUS MAFIA ALPHA- His Pleasure Thing: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
108 Chapters
Chapter 11
I stood frozen at the spot as Marcel crystal blue eyes pierced through my soul as if placing me under a spell but I could feel my heart racing unnaturally inside my chest like a gun was being pointed on my head.I don't know but it felt like I was in a lot of trouble but why then am I still here? Why haven't I run away as fast as my legs could run?... Yes I remember. I am not in control of my legs anymore, his beautiful eyes have placed me under an evil spell..“What are you doing here?" His low but stern voice like a hammer broke me free from my trance state, leaving me completely bare.As I got back to my senses my whole body screamed to me to take flight and never look back but for some reason I felt obligated to answer his question like an obedient servant which is actually really weird. I am never one to obey sheepishly.“S..Sorry. I was just strolling about as I was bored staying locked up all day and when I saw that the door was open I became curious to know what was inside and
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Chapter 12
It's a Saturday morning and outside the great mansion of Marcel a rain cloud gathered making the sky darken as if it was night. The wind on the walls and windows as well as the trees flowers of the garden violently accompanied with thunder and lightning. As the rain droplets fell on the ground with heavy force the sky above started to become clear but the rain kept coming down with full force…“Are you sure we will be able to attend the wedding in this heavy downpour?" A concerned Eden said to Marcel who was standing with his back to him as he was staring out the window of his room observing the actions of the rain.Turning around. “Of course. A little rain can't stop me," Marcel answered and Eden smiled.“Definitely. I should get the cars ready then," Eden said and Marcel nodded, turning back to face the window.Eden turned around to leave Marcel's room but then stopped as something came up in his mind.“Marcel," he called out, getting Marcel's attention and Marcel turned back to fac
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Chapter 13
Whilst the three, Jane, Eden and Marcel conversed inside the vehicle I stared outside the wet window as the rain kept pouring down heavily impending my vision but I could still see my environment though it was a bit blurry.The roads were less busy than usual, there were few people outside walking on foot because of the rain and the one's outside were in a hurry to get to shelter even those with their umbrellas and others putting on raincoats.There were some others who were walking inside the rain without any umbrellas or raincoats seemly unbothered about getting soaked and drenched in the rain however hey all looked free, something I extremely long for at this point as I had almost forgotten what it means to be free...As we continued our journey in the heavy downpour I started feeling sorry for the bride and groom despite not knowing them. I hope this rain doesn't ruin their wedding as I think the heavy rain might discourage a lot of people from turning up. This made me slightly imp
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Chapter 14
So is this how I will die? I never imagined leaving this world this way but I was 100% certain I was about to die as the vehicle wasn't slowing down and it came so close to me, it's deadly large tyres staring at me in the face and out of fear I closed my eyes anticipating that painful moment the vehicle tyres would run pass my head and crush my skull and brain into bits of blood and brain cells…I felt a force on me that made my heart cut..but it wasn't on my head that I had expected, rather it was on my body and the force wasn't painful. It felt like I was being picked up from the ground but in a very fast and swift motion. Everything happened in an instant, not even up to a second.I opened up my eyes and was left shocked to see I was in the arms of a man and when I looked at his face I saw it was Marcel.What's going on? Nothing made sense and when I took a look at my surroundings I saw we were at a safe distance away from the road and I could see the back of the truck that was sup
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Chapter 15
I still couldn't stop thinking about the incident of the truck and how Marcel pulled out the most impossible stunt ever to save me. I have tried to analyze how he did it logically but it just wasn't adding up. However as the time passed by I started feeling more grateful to be alive and that Marcel saved me and less bothered and concerned on how he did it.I mean, I could have been dead in the most painful and gruesome way possible but he saved me, risking his own life in the process. Why haven't I thought about the risk and danger he put himself in just to help me? Maybe I was wrong about him and he doesn't have any bad intentions planned for me. Maybe he was trying to save my life as well and that's why he bought me from Elijah. And unlike Elijah he hasn't assaulted me in any way or tried to take advantage of me.Oh my God! I am such a big fool!Someone was willing to lose 10 freaking million dollars to save me from being violated and murdered by ugly evil thugs and instead of bei
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Chapter 16
There was dead silence in Marcel's mansion as the night enveloped the globe in its darkness, whispering silent tales of sleep and rest as everyone married their beds in a deep slumber. Some had no thoughts whatsoever as they journeyed the long, lonely night while others were visited by Father dream, bearing gifts of either dreams or nightmares. Whatever the case, each one had to face whatever gifts Father dream decides to give to them alone and in the darkness so was the case for Ella or was it?⁷I was sleeping peacefully but then I felt an unnatural cold breeze blow against me from my naked feet up to the very crown of my head and I felt an ungodly shiver.My eyes were still closed and I was still asleep but I had this strange feeling I was being watched in the darkness of my room and not just by anyone but a very powerful being. I could feel its eyes on my delicate skin like heat from a burning candle and my heart started beating faster.The feeling was so real and intense that I s
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Chapter 17
“So any positive update?" An anxious Mike asked, talking to a man who was dressed in a black suit. The man is actually a private detective named James that Mike had hired to help find his missing fiancee, Ella. Both men were seated at a table outside a coffee shop with two steamy cups of coffee on their table.“I am sorry Mr Noah but there are still no signs or cues on where your fiancee might be or what has happened to her. I have been keeping my eyes on her profile and data and she hasn't used any of her credit cards or made any phone calls either," the detective said softly but worriedly.“What are you trying to say?" It was clear Mike's anxiety was on a high.Letting out a low, frustrated sigh. “I don't know for certain but from all evidences I have been able to gather so far it's pointing to the fact that your fiancee might just be dea..."“Don't," Mike cut him short before the detective could finish his statement. His grief was evident in his face.“Don't you say that out loud
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Chapter 18
After leaving Marcel I went back to report to Mrs Yesenia.“Really, he accepted?" She said and her tone and facial expression were itched with surprise.“Yes he did so now I am free to join with the house chores," I said and I really couldn't understand why I was so excited about this.Usually I do not enjoy doing chores that much when I stayed alone but now it is feeling like it is one great adventure to partake in the house chores.“Alright then whenever you want to help you are free to," Madam Yesenia said.“How about now?" “Of course. Come with me," she said and I went with her...I followed Mrs Yesenia to the kitchen and there was a heap of dirty dishes though their were two female servants who were about same age with me or younger were already doing the dishes with one of them washing with soapy sponge and the other rinsing with running water from the tap and also drying them with a clean towel.“Good morning Madam Yesenia.." the ladies greeted both Mrs Yesenia and I as soon a
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Chapter 19
After I was done with the kitchen duties with Isabella and Laura I retired to my room to rest and while on my bed I reminisce on what Isabella and Laura said about Marcel. Gosh does girls are very naughty but could it be true? Does Marcel only have sex with multiple women at once? It was quite hard to believe but they sounded so serious about it and even Laura said she had witnessed it herself- Marcel pounding different women at once so it gat to be true then.Well he does have the physique to be able to handle multiple women at once but since my stay here I haven’t seen him with any woman which is making think he has no interest in women.At first I thought he was a pervert like my abductor Elijah who can’t control his dick but since my stay here Mr Marcel hasn’t harassed me at all. He has been quite a gentleman and it his friend Eden that has been the one even making moves on me…I was still in my thoughts when I heard a knock on my door. "Who is there?" I asked. "It’s me, Yesen
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Chapter 20
Ella and her newly found friends Isabella and Laura were busy watering the flowers in the garden while having an interesting conversation as they were laughing and smiling all through. In just a few days that they have known each other Ella has formed a strong bond with the two servant girls that they play and speak freely like they have been best of friends for years And of course what do girls love talking about, if not boys?“..the rain started falling down and then he kissed her passionately with his strong hands and arm squeezing her body like he wanted to infuse her into his body and at that moment I wished I was inside the TV getting beaten by the rain while in his arms," Isabella narrated dreamingly as she spoke about her favorite romantic movie.“Me too, I want that. Donald is such a great actor and he is very cute too," Laura said, drooling.“You know I can make both of your dreams come true," Ella said to the great surprise of Isabella and Laura.“Really? How?" They both ch
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