All Chapters of SOLD TO THE NOTORIOUS MAFIA ALPHA- His Pleasure Thing: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
109 Chapters
Chapter 71
The pretty Selena who was dressed in a silver gown made of thin, light fabric material that is tight at the top as it was stuck to her body like glue and loosened at the waist region downwards in a flair, wavy manner stood in the middle of a sea of beautiful rose flowers nearly as pretty as she. Gracefully she bent over and plucked one of the flowers, bringing it close to her nose for a delightful smell.“Ah.." she took in deep breaths savoring the sweet scent of the beautiful flower and just then she felt an unusual wind blow against her from behind which caused her to smile.“I have been waiting for you," she said without turning around.“Hope you didn't have to wait too long?" A handsome, tall figure dressed in a dark slick coat and boat walked forward.Standing up straight Selena finally turned around to face the man. “I have waited way longer than this just to see you, Marcel," she said with a bitter, sweet smile.“I am sorry," Marcel apologized as he understood what she meant.F
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Chapter 72
“I still don't get why we need his help. I know you said it's because you need him to smell out the wolves but ain't you a wolf? Can't you smell them yourself?" Marcel asked when he was alone with Selena as Rolan had gone to get something to eat.“I am but Rolan is a male, beta wolf meaning his senses are much more sharper than mine and we need all the help we can get. Formally wolves tend to live together which makes for an easy find but now because they are being hunted down by the Shadows they are all scattered in single units making it very difficult to find plus they don't even want to be found making it even more tasking," Selena explained but Marcel still didn't like the fact that Rolan gets to be around them, especially Selena.“I don't know, I just don't trust him," He made his displeasure known.“I can vow for Rolan. He is trustworthy and loyal. When I chose not to leave with my father and his pack away to the other side because I don't want to leave you Rolan who is my fath
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Chapter 73
Kyle quickly brushed off the soapy foams from his face to find the maid Laura inside the bathroom.“Fuck, Laura! What are you doing here?!" He yelled out of embarrassment as he covered his private area with both hands.“I thought I heard you call my name?" Laura said innocently however her eyes were fixed on his waist region.”I didn't call your name. Please leave!" Kyle stated his voice laced with embarrassment and a bit of annoyance.“Okay I will leave but you got some monster down there," she said giggling naughtily while still not leaving.“What?" Kyle's cheeks went red.“Why don't I help you wash it?" She said leaving him speechless.“W.. What are you saying?" He finally said in a low stutter.“I have an even better idea. Why don't I join you instead?" She said and without getting his permission she slowly began undressing herself.“What are you doing?" Kyle's words dragged and his eyes dilated.“Shush," Laura gestured for him to keep quiet with a finger across her mouth.“We don
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Chapter 74
After the maid Laura finished pleasuring Kyle with her mouth that resulted in him blowing all his loads inside her throat she in turn swallowed with a satisfactory smile. She allowed him to rest for only a few seconds before bringing her breasts to him to suck and suck he did like he had been starving for days, even weeks.“Ah.." Laura kept moaning softly, enjoying the way his mouth pulled and sucked on her hardened nipples.After he had sucked both of her boobs and nipples to her satisfaction she turned around backing him, pressing her soft ass on his semi hard meat. She used her ass to grind on dick till it became fully alive then she grabbed hold of it and directed it inside of her hole. Almost instantly Kyle took over from there.Holding on to her waist he started boring deep inside of her with passionate strides, enjoying the warmth, wetness and tightness of her creamy hole.It was by far the best feeling ever and not long after he could feel a cluster of sweet sensation building
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Chapter 75
“Pay for Marcel's sins? What do you mean by that??" I was shocked and confused.“Well apart from completely breaking every bone inside of me literally Marcel has taken something very special from me. My wife. He is the reason she wants to divorce me," he said trying to claim the victim.“Is Marcel truly the reason she wants to leave you or is it the fact that he found about you cheating?" I said and that seemed to angry him but he covered it with a smile.“I see you like telling jokes, right? But make no mistake this isn't a joking matter," he said his tone ending with a serious note.“Your wife leaving you and you blaming Marcel for it maybe I can understand that but what does that got to do with me? If you have a problem with Marcel and you blame him for your failed marriage why don't you go capture him instead?" I said and honestly I still don't understand his thoughts and reasons from abducting me.“Don't you still get it? I lost my wife and that's the most painful feeling ever no
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Chapter 76
“What is it?" Eden asked as he noticed the sudden change in Marcel's countenance and Marcel simply handed him his phone.“Is this not that girl?" Eden asked as he saw the picture on Marcel's phone.“Ella. There is a text up. Tell me what it says," Marcel replied and Eden scrolled up and he saw the texts.“You have taken everything from me and now I am going to take everything from you. Isn't she pretty? Would be such a shame if anything should happen to her." He read out what he saw in the phone and Marcel frowned angrily with clenched fists.“Who sent you this? Isn't the girl supposed to be in the hospital?" Eden asked, a bit confused and lost.“Call those two," Marcel instructed in a tone showing urgency and right away using Marcel's phone Eden dialed a number...Meanwhile the two men, Pete and Tom who have been exhausted and sleep deprived after spending all night to the next day searching for the missing Ella decided to rest for a while on a street bench when Pete's phone started
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Chapter 77
Marcel's men Pete and Tom were so desperate to find Ella that they decided to return back to the hospital to begin searching for her there as they had no other place in mind to go and fear won’t let them pick up Marcel’s calls without finding Ella first. They just can't bring themselves to tell Marcel they lost the girl so you can imagine the terrifying look on their faces when they bumped into Marcel at the entrance of the hospital as he was coming out while they were trying to go in. Instantly they knew they were dead. There is no escaping this, he was definitely going to kill them for sure but the only thing they could do was beg and plead for their lives to be spared even though they knew it is almost as good as pointless.“Boss, please have mercy. We didn’t know how she managed to escape and we have been looking everywhere for her….” they were busy explaining when Marcel just walked past them without any form of reaction. Not even a single word and that left them feeling confused
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Chapter 78
A bloodlusted Marcel at his doorstep! The only thought that came to Elijah's mind was that Marcel had uncovered his recent scheme of murdering him and is here to assassinate him first. One look at Marcel's face Elijah knew it would be pointless trying to reason with him at this point. Is either kill or be killed and Elijah was definitely not going to go down without a fight. So quickly he reached for his pistol that was in the inbuilt drawer of his bed…However Marcel's movement was faster than Elijah’s reaction and Elijah felt a strong hand grab hold of the lower part of his right leg, pulling him almost out of the bed with force.“Ahhh!" Elijah's fears were echoed in his screams which were louder than those of the two hoes in his bed with him that immediately took to their heels.Getting a proper grip on Elijah, Marcel completely flung him out of the bed and Elijah collided back first to the wooden wardrobe. The force from the impact smashing it open.“Ahhhh!"It was painful, so pain
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Chapter 79
My struggles were in vain as one of Jackson's men grabbed hold of my face and forced my mouth open while the other man tried to pour the deadly liquid inside my mouth and whilst I was defenseless to stop him I just kept repeating a prayer in my mind.Oh God I don't want to die. I don't want to die..Just as he was about to pour the content down my throat gunshots could be heard from the outside of the building and suddenly a loud, disturbing noise erupted as something big went smashing through the window sending broken glass bits flying at every direction in the room like bullets.. The commotion caused the men to let go of me and a drop of the liquid fell on my nose, producing an icy, chilling sensation.“What in hell's name?" Jackson cursed as he was taken aback by what just happened as he made to take cover at the back of the couch.On a closer look we discovered that what came flying through the window wasn't just any random object but it's actually a human being! One of Jackson's
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Chapter 80
On sighting Ella even though she was all bruised up and not in a good physical start Elijah still thought her to be irresistible and he was almost not able to contain himself as his crazy urges over her body resurfaced. He really wanted to fuck her so badly and keep her for himself that he started considering shooting Marcel from behind as he watched as Marcel walked away with Ella.Raising his hand up Elijah aimed his pistol at Marcel from Marcel's blind side with his fingers slightly pressing on the trigger but was hesitant as he wasn't confident enough that he would have success in his attempt to kill Marcel. This is not because Elijah doubts his shooting ability. Very far from it as he is a master shooter but his lack of confidence was because as he has witnessed first hand the unnatural things Marcel is capable of doing- Strength and speed unlike nothing he has ever seen. He knew Marcel was even fast enough to dodge a bullet. However will he be able to dodge it when he is not aw
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