All Chapters of Abandoned Luna: My Alpha Doesn't Love Me: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
12 Chapters
Chapter 1
Elena’s povI was buried in paperwork, trying to sort out this month’s expenses for the Pack house, when Tina, one of the maids, burst into my office.Her face was lit up with excitement.“Luna, Alpha is back!”My heart skipped a beat. Joy spread through me like wildfire.I’m Elena, the Luna of the Dark Moon Pack, and my husband, Alpha Hector, had been away for a whole year fighting Rogues.Our wedding night should’ve been the beginning of our happily ever after, but fate had other plans.He had to rush to the battlefield, leaving me behind.Every single night since then, I’d been consumed with longing.So, hearing he was finally back, I tossed the ledger aside and dashed downstairs, eager to reunite.But as soon as I stepped out of the villa, it felt like I’d walked straight into a nightmare.Hector, the man I’d missed so much, was surrounded by soldiers, passionately kissing some woman I’d never seen before.The cheers and whistles around them felt like knives stabbing into my heart
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Chapter 2
Elena’s povHector left.My heart ached with anger and disappointment as I watched him go.Tina walked in, her eyes red and swollen.Clearly, she had overheard everything."Luna, this is so unfair!" she cried, her voice trembling, "You've done so much for the pack. How can Alpha Hector do this to you? You should write to your father. He'll teach Hector a lesson. Maybe then Hector won't dare to strip you of your Luna title."My father, the Alpha of Blue Mountain Pack, is a fierce and undefeated leader.If I wrote to him, Hector might back down.But I'm not sure if any of this is necessary anymore."Elena."A woman's voice interrupted my thoughts.Miranda and Tiffany had returned from their shopping trip.Miranda is Hector's mother, and Tiffany is his sister.During Hector's absence, I've been taking care of them.Miranda walked over and held my hand, her eyes sad."My dear child, I know about Hector's plan to make Vanessa Luna. He is being unreasonable. But don't worry, I'll always see
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Chapter 3
Elena’s povLater that evening, Miranda and Tiffany came looking for me again.Not surprised, I invited them into my room and asked, "What’s up?"Until Hector and I were officially done, Miranda was still my elder.Miranda looked embarrassed but finally cleared her throat and said, "Elena, Dark Moon Pack won the battle. We need to hold a celebration banquet for the warriors.""So?" I asked, "What’s that got to do with me?""You’re the Pack’s Luna. This should be your responsibility," Miranda said.Maybe she was used to me being a good Luna, so she didn’t take me seriously.I had to remind her, "But I’m not going to be Luna anymore, and I’m not dealing with Pack affairs. You shouldn’t come to me."Seeing I wasn’t budging, Miranda’s face darkened.She sighed, "Alright, Elena, if you agree to prepare the banquet, I’ll convince Hector to spend the night with you."I almost laughed out loud and rolled my eyes."No thanks.""No thanks?" Miranda was shocked. "Isn’t this all to get Hector’s a
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Chapter 4
Elena’s povHe stormed out of the room, shouting orders for a meeting with all the business heads.Miranda tried to intervene, but Hector was adamant, dismissing their pleas.Twenty tense minutes later, the heads of several key industries assembled in the living room, looking anxious under Hector's cold stare.He interrogated each one about their operations, his rage building as they admitted to poor performances.Hector's disbelief turned to anger, and he lashed out, kicking over a nearby coffee table."Are you all useless?" he shouted in frustration. "Not one industry has thrived!""Alpha, we've tried our best," one of the heads stammered nervously. "But our funds have been redirected to military expenses. Without Luna's support and her negotiations, many industries would have collapsed months ago."Hector froze, his face draining of color.He muttered to himself, bewildered, "How could this happen?"I watched silently, a sense of satisfaction rising within me.When Hector finally t
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Chapter 5
Hector’s pov“Mom, what are you even talking about?”I couldn’t believe the cruel words coming out of my mom’s mouth.Miranda didn’t seem to care. “The Blue Mountain Pack has lost its leader. Elena’s alone, weak, and sickly. There’s no way she can become Alpha and protect her people. What else can she do but turn to our Dark Moon Pack? Fight on her own with her practically useless wolf? Hector, you need to seize this opportunity. Get her to hand over all her assets to you.”“No, I won’t do that. That’s taking advantage of her!” I shook my head firmly. “Elena’s family just died in battle. As her husband and mate, how can I exploit her at a time like this?”“How is it taking advantage? It’s a fair trade. Maybe when Elena gets back, she’ll beg us to take her money in exchange for our protection.”“Even if she does, I can’t take her money,” I insisted.Miranda looked puzzled. “Why? You don't love Elena anymore, do you? Why do you care so much?”I couldn’t find the words to explain.My fee
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Chapter 6
Hector’s pov"What?!" Vanessa gasped, springing out of bed. "How can we be broke? Weren't the soldiers just paid?""Yeah, but that was Elena's money," I explained. "She used her own stash to cover their wages.""No way!" Vanessa flopped back onto the bed. "Maybe Elena's fibbing to save face, you know?"I sighed, shaking my head. "I thought that too, but I checked. We're seriously low on funds.""What about my coronation? And our wedding?" Vanessa's disappointment was written all over her face. "You promised me a big bash, Hector, like a proper Luna deserves!"I know, I know," I apologized. "But for now, we'll have to keep it simple. Once things pick up, I swear we'll celebrate properly."Vanessa still looked bummed out.Suddenly, I worried that maybe I misjudged her."Do these ceremonies really matter to you?" I asked tentatively.She hesitated, then smiled softly. "Not as much as being with you. Love's what counts, right?"Relieved, I pulled her close. "You're amazing, you know that?
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Chapter 7
Elena’s povBefore the crack of dawn, I raced back to Blue Mountain Pack.Stepping onto our turf felt like stepping into a nightmare:Instead of lively streets, I saw nothing but rubble and ruins.The air reeked of blood and smoke that stung my nostrils.Tents had sprung up everywhere, sheltering wounded pack members whose moans cut through the eerie silence of dawn.Little ones clung to tattered toys, their eyes wide with fear and confusion.Elders sat amidst the wreckage, their gaze fixed on the horizon as if hoping for a miracle.My heart twisted painfully as I walked past them, every step heavier than the last, heading straight for the Pack house.The guards at the entrance, their eyes tired and red, nodded respectfully as I went by.I hesitated at the courtyard entrance.A sense of dread tightened my chest—had my parents and brother really fallen in battle?"Elena," a voice called out from behind me.I turned to see David Smith, my father's Beta.Surprise flickered across his face
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Chapter 8
Elena’s povUnder the moonlight, I made my way back to the Dark Moon Pack.As I got closer, I could hear the sounds of lively music.The whole Pack house was lit up like a Christmas tree, clearly hosting a massive party.Thinking about the chaos back at Blue Mountain Pack, my heart felt like it was being squeezed.I took a deep breath and walked into the courtyard.The courtyard was buzzing with joy.People were clinking glasses, celebrating with wine, flowers, and music.The decorations were over the top, with sparkling lights reflecting off colorful balloons and flowers.The banquet table was loaded with fancy food, and the smell of roasted meat only made my inner turmoil worse.This party wasn't for me, so I had no plans to stick around.I just wanted to get back to my room.But then, someone grabbed my arm."Elena, where have you been? The party’s almost over!" A scolding voice rang in my ear.I turned around to see Tiffany’s angry face.Not far behind her, Miranda was walking tow
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Chapter 9
Elena’s povThe guards froze mid-action, hands retracting like they'd been burned, faces drained of color as they spun around in shock."Alpha..." someone stammered, barely able to speak.I struggled to stand, my body trembling uncontrollably as I lifted my gaze to meet Hector's piercing stare.Beside Hector, Vanessa stood, her arm linked intimately with his, a victorious smirk on her lips that stabbed at my heart, making it hard to breathe.I fought to steady myself, feeling my blood turn to ice within me.When no one answered him, Hector's voice boomed louder."Speak up! What's going on here?""W-we..." the guards mumbled, heads bowed in fear, unable to continue.Suddenly, Vanessa stepped forward, her voice dripping with false sweetness but filled with venom. "Elena, as Luna, shouldn't you be hosting guests in the banquet hall? What are you doing here with the guards?"In just a few words, Vanessa redirected the blame onto me, her eyes glinting with triumph, like a cat playing with i
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Chapter 10
Elena’s povHector’s words hit me like a slap in the face, snapping me out of my misery.My heart turned to ice.I didn’t come back to win his affection; I came back to reject him on the full moon and reclaim my lost power.Then, I’d return to the Blue Mountain Pack and protect my people.Losing his cheap, trashy love might actually be a blessing in disguise.I wiped the tears from my face, forced a strong smile, and nodded.“Fine, whatever. I’ll give up the position of Luna.”Hector visibly relaxed, the tension melting away from his face, while Vanessa couldn’t hide the smug grin spreading across her lips.Her triumphant expression made me want to vomit.The grand celebration ended up being a complete joke.Under the dazzling crystal chandelier, the living room felt empty and cold.Hector and Vanessa lounged on the sofa, while Miranda stood nearby, her face twisted with anger.She started scolding me: “It’s all your fault! Everyone left the celebration unhappy! Your parents are dead,
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