All Chapters of THE BILLIONAIRE'S REGRET: CHASING MY EX-WIFE: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
79 Chapters
Kyle King Three weeks have passed since we started the transportation project, and the profits have been slow. I didn't know how to improve the sales, and Xavier didn't have any helpful advice to give, so I turned to Ava. She advised me to focus on the downtown citizens and then move to the rich folks environment. I knew most of them, but I wasn't sure they would like to jump in on the project. I scheduled a meeting with one of the street lords downtown, but it didn't work out.`I am tired, Xavier. I haven't made any visible profit since we started, and the money is almost gone. What am I going to tell James next month?`We were in my study room, going through the expenses and trying to balance the account. Somehow, I had spent part of the money on frivolities and forgot to settle some of the suppliers. They were on my neck now and had promised to report me to the Roberts family if I didn't settle them before the end of the month. The only way I could sett
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Genevieve Tessa Robert  The admissions application letter came in like an unexpected morning rain in February. I had just finished listening to Vera after I had rattled about the delay in the admission letter. The DAP Films and Arts School had never delayed the release of their admissions list. According to the last announcement page on their website, the admission list will be released two weeks after the deadline has passed. This was the beginning of the fourth month, and they had yet to release it, which means something was wrong or they lied. Vera had waved my accusation and advised me to take it easy. They would release it when I least expected it, and I should stop worrying about them. After we said our goodbyes, I scrolled to their website to see if they had released
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Geneveive Tessa Robert Dad looked up from his phone. Aren't you happy about the news? The doctor said you will bebe carrying a beautiful boy and a beautiful girl. Twins! You should be happy because I am.`I rubbed my palms on my gown. `I am happy, Dad. I am just thinking about how I had a feeling I was carrying twins, and the doctor just proved us right. It's surreal, I believe.`Dad took my sweaty palms, staring into my eyes affectionately. `It`s a miracle; stop thinking or getting worked up, okay? Have you called your mom?`I said casually, 'Yes, but she's not picking, so I sent a text message. I am sure she will call once she reads it.``Alright. I am thinking you should travel to your aunt's
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Geneveive Tessa Robert`That`s a great idea, Tessa, but I will need a proper analysis of your plan before I can drop my feedback. So, think about it and prepare an analysis of the business. You can create a business plan, and I will read through it.`I sighed. I hated creating business plans, but that's what he wanted, and I had to do it. I would have to do more research to be certain this business was going to work, then show my findings in the business plan. It felt like a lot of work, but it was possible to do. I just had to focus and ask James to help out.`Alright, Dad. I will create the business plan and revert.` I replied, getting up. `Thank you for today; I will be going to bed now.`He smiled. `It's my duty as your father to ensure that you and my grandchildren are well taken care of. I have told you that you don't need to stress yourself or worry about feeding, clothing, or shelter. We`re the Roberts family, and we always take care of our own, okay?`Thank you, Dad,` I repli
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Geneveive Tessa RobertI studied him before replying, `Alright, since you`re being sincere, I missed you too. How was Nashville?``The visit was great, but the reports were not favourable, especially from Kyle`s end. Can you believe he's in France at the moment? He left his team leader, Xavier, to supervise the activities of the project.``That's bad. I thought the trip to France was supposed to be after they had made at least ten percent profit. Why did your team approve their requests?`He dropped his fork, focusing on me. `They claimed he sent a report concerning the progress of the project, and the administrative team approved it. I checked the report on our way home, and there are a lot of errors there. Some figures are exaggerated or missing. I don't know why they didn't check it properly. Also, Kyle claimed that the business has been slow, but according to his team, the advertising campaign Xavier created had increased the inflow, so they were surprised yesterday when I mention
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Kyle KingI returned home after a week in Paris. Ava made every moment worth it. I visited a lot of places and checked in at the best hotels and resorts. I did some shopping there and ensured I bought items for my mom. The trip was worth every dime I spent, and I promised the manager of the last hotel we used that we would be returning soon. He was grateful because I gave his staff a generous trip, and the casino bloomed twice as much as expected when news got around that the famous kin`s family from the United States were in the hotel.To avoid unnecessary phone calls from Xavier, I changed my line to a private number, which I could use to text Christine and relay orders. She had sent several text messages about Jmaes visiting the company to know the progress of the project. I was a bit scared about his visit. He wasn't supposed to come until today for the general meeting. I had created a new report that covered my personal expenses and the profits I had gained so far. Thanks to my l
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Kyle King I arrived at the courthouse with Ava, my mom, and Xavier, who had finally decided to stand by me, but he made it clear that anything that happened, I should accept it. The media houses had heard about the case and were all over the place. Immediately, they saw me, and they rushed over, trying to get a statement. Ava gave one, blaming everything on Tessa. She claimed Tessa was jealous that I chose her and plotted with her family to bring me down. This instigated excitement among the media team, and they asked more questions, but the warning glare from me made Ava keep quiet. We had already had an argument about the case, and she blamed me for being careless. If I hadn't let my guard down and put Xavier in charge, the Roberts wouldn't have found out about the money. I wanted badly to agree with her, but it wasn't Xavier`s fault but mine alone. I made a mistake, and I was going to pay badly for it. Ava didn't agree and promised to fight the Roberts family if they tried takin
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Geneveive Tessa Robert I certainly couldn't have predicted what happened at the courthouse today. The disguise I pulled off, the testimony, and the open confrontation with Kyle. I wasn't surprised that Kyle didn't recognise me at the witness stand due to the dark sunglasses that shaded my eyes and my red hair. Also, thanks to the pregnancy, I gained weight. I looked fuller and healthier than before. If only James hadn't called me Sis, the idiot wouldn't have recognised me. Thank God I dropped some wincing statements before the chauffeur drove off. I could still see the lost and confused expression on his face when I admitted it was me. I wonder what he will be doing now. Probably regretting that he divorced me and plotting a way to seek forgiveness so that Dad could do an out-of-court settlement. I knew the way Kyle`
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Geneveive Tessa Robert I consoled myself, refocusing on the phone call: `We are leaving at the beginning of next month. Mom wants to take care of some businesses before we leave. You know we will be starting an interior decoration company too. So, she wants to ensure that the plans and funds are ready before we leave.``Alright, babe. I wish I could move with you, but my company refused to sign my transfer letter, and I can't resign because of my contract. Please take care of Hope and Nicholas for me. I am going to find a way to visit you guys,` she sniffed.I couldn't help but get emotional too. I was going to miss Vee, all our shopping adventures, and her expensive eating habits. If not for her, I would have probably not rekindled my relationship with my parents and James. I also would not have healed or accepted the fact that Kyle left me with someone else.I sniffed too: `Don`t cry, Vee. You can always visit,
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Kyle King Everything had happened so fast that I was almost losing my mind. The court case and the unexpected appearance of Tessa. The first fight with Ava and now, another, I was sitting in a room filled with my board of executives while my mom was doing her best to convince them to stay and look for clients who would help the company's profits. The ultimatum to pay the Roberts had been increased, thanks to Xavier, who worked hard to secure a meeting with James.We had a week to go, and I had not gotten close to the amount I was expected to pay. It wasn`t as if I didn't have the money, but they invested in Ava`s Porsche and my six-bedroom flat with four bathrooms, a swimming pool, and a game room. I couldn`t watch my flat go because of the bills, and I couldn`t also sell Ava`s Porsche because she had my mom
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