All Chapters of THE BILLIONAIRE'S REGRET: CHASING MY EX-WIFE: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
94 Chapters
Kyle King `It's almost time, mom. Let me be on my way, and please, promise me, you won't do anything to jeopardise this meeting. If he can help us, I will do anything he asks of me. Anything to escape a jail term in Nashville`s State Prison.`Mom could do anything to stop him from helping me. I knew what she was capable of doing, but I also had to remind her about the jail term. Just in case, she thought she could act without thinking about the consequences.She smiled tightly. `I promise not to do anything, but don't say I didn't warn you when he comes for his payment, Kyle. I have known your uncle longer than you.`I replied using the same tone she used. `And don't say I didn`t beg you to allow me to sell the house and Porsche to avoid meeting him, and you refused. I have known you longer than my uncle, and you still refused to help me out.`She stood up slowly. His eyes were glowing with anger. `I am doing what's r
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Kyle KingTell him something that is feasible and productive. He's the only chance you have right now. Hewas probably was probably observing me, trying to capture what I was thinking up in my head. I arranged my words in sequence, starting with a bullet point and ending with a plea.I cleared my throat, holding his gaze.. `There's a major business deal that my team is working on with a new company. We will be in charge of their branch building construction and furnishings. If the deal comes through, all profits will be paid into your account. It's probably about ten million dollars, Uncle.` `So, the repayment is based on probability. Alright, let me ask you this: HowHow do you intend to pay your team if I take all the profits?`I sighed. Another loophole II forgot to fill. Owe them till another deal comes in? `I will create a payment plan for their salaries, sir. They`re my team,team, and they understand what we have been facing for the last few months.`He chuckled, `You won't
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Geneveive Tessa RobertThe joy of simple things. Laughter, tears, and happiness. Family, love, and friendship I rolled my sweater and adjusted my sleeves. This was my last week in Arizona. I was going to miss everyone who made me happy, especially my dad and James. Funny how I thought James was going to be the headache I had to survive in the house, and he turned out to be a vital help in my recovery process.I had created the interior design company business plans, and with the help of James, we had succeeded in convincing my dad to go ahead with his investment. I scrolled through my to-do list. Kyle. I wasn't done with him yet, but I was going to give him a break for now since he had succeeded in paying what he owed. His company seemed to be picking up, and James suspected someone was behind the sudden miracle.I wasn't surprised, though. Kyle`s family was one of the most respected in Nashville, and they had a lot of connections who could assist them in terms of finances. Also, Kyle
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Kyle KingWhen I walked in, Romina cleared the table. My mom and Ava hadn't bothered to wait for me. This has been going on for two weeks since I decided to halt my marriage decision. I felt I was seeing someone, and three times I caught her showing up at places where I held meetings with clients. Mom wasn't helping. She had started bringing up topics about children and how starting to make plans about them early helped. She had even gone ahead to show up with flyers on how to make babies as a couple when I was having a serious meeting with Xavier.When I complained about her behavior, she reminded me about the wasted years with Tessa and warned me not to waste Ava. According to the family, or so she claimed, Ava was or is fertile, and the earlier I get on her, the better for the family generation.I was mortified. What kind of mother walks into her son's sexual life like it was some talk show?I picked an apple and nodded at Romina. ‘Where are they?’ Romina looked up, then focused on
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Kyle KingWould it end the chaos? I know it won`t. Uncle David was a family relative who wouldn’t take advantage of me, especially at my lowest point. He wouldn’t dare.‘It won’t end in chaos. I know it won't,’ I repeated. He is family, and I am certain he won’t try anything that will make my mom start a war against him. He fears her and her family.’ He smiled. ‘Of course. Who won’t fear your mom? She is as cold as ice and holds grudges like it’s a game. I always try my best to avoid her, and I hope your uncle does the same. You didn’t tell her about the deal, right?’ I shook my head negatively, ‘No, I didn’t. That would be stupid of me, wouldn’t it? Besides, you know she won’t approve. She hates Uncle Dave so much, like he’s the devil’s advocate.’ He laughed. ‘Your uncle was a terror during the heydays of the company’s battle of the heads. Enough of the company’s talk, though. How’s Ava? I'm surprised she’s still here.’ I breathed lightly. Thank heavens for the change of topic.
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Geneveive Tessa RobertI took the last suitcase downstairs, ignoring James`s order not to stress myself. I wasn't going to sit down and watch them do everything for me. I was pregnant, not indisposed. I should be allowed to do certain activities, but no, my family disagreed. I shouldn’t be stressing the twins. I was showing a nice bump already, and the teases from James made me favor long flowing gowns over the designer dresses mom had bought at exorbitant prices. I couldn’t blame her. She wanted her daughter to look beautiful even when pregnant. ‘I told you to sit in the car while I help with the luggage, sis.’ James said, collecting the suitcase from me.I protested, ‘I just wanted to help and not sit down and do nothing. It’s been two weeks sitting at home and just going shopping and visiting family friends. If not for the interior design plans and Vera, I would have been bored to death.’He paused, smiling at me. ‘And I am glad our parents ensured you did nothing. You can’t expec
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Kyle KingThe months went by rocket-fast. Between being buried with the robotics project for kids and getting to all the places Ava wanted me to be, I barely had time to follow up with other events in my personal life, like checking up on my mom and hanging out with Xavier.I also thought less of Tessa and more of the profits I was making since Uncle David sprinkled his blessings on the company. I had to say that the last three months since the Roberts case have been great. Tonight, we were visiting Katherine, who was in the hospital. She had gone into early labor, and the first grandchild of the King’s family came through—Carlos.Mum couldn’t stop talking about how cute Carlos was over the phone, and before her phone battery died, she had sent over a thousand photos of little Carlos and Katherine. I was happy for my elder sister but kind of sore because mom didn’t give up on reminding me about my stagnant relationship with Ava. I didn’t want to argue with her, so, like a good son, I
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Kyle KingXavier picked up the account statement again, read through it, and threw it on the table. ‘You should confront her, Kyle. It’s wrong. How can she just take it to throw a party? Who does that?’I shook my head in disbelief. I couldn’t believe what the account statement said. Within the two days that Uncle David reported the withdrawal, Ava had spent close to two hundred thousand dollars on a party, her vehicle maintenance, a spa, and a lot of expensive shopping. He had been stupid enough to give her the company’s card and details for safekeeping.He had called her immediately. Christine brought in the account statement, but her line was switched off. I sent a text to mom, hoping Ava was around her, and she replied. Ava was in France for a fashion show. Unbelievable! How could she leave Nashville without telling me and after what she did?‘Xavier, I am trying to keep my cool. If I don’t return that money, Uncle David will start a war, and I don’t want that right now.’He breat
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Kyle King ‘I told you marrying Ava is the best decision ever, and no one is pressuring me.’ I said, checking if they were still in the kitchen. I didn’t want Ava to walk in while we were having this conversation. It won’t be funny. ‘Yeah, you have said so a million times, and yet, I have a feeling you are trying to convince yourself and not me or anyone else you have been telling. I hope you’re making the right decision because I won’t be here to listen to your sad tales later.’ He replied, getting up.I sighed. I was tired of having this conversation with Xavier, but he is supposed to be my best man for the wedding, and I didn’t want to fight him now. ‘I have already told you that she’s right for me, and I am really happy about this decision. I need you to accept that, Xavier.’He settled down and said, ‘Fine, I accept your decision, and I hope you acce
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Kyle King Rather than waiting for my mom to arrive at the office for the meeting with Uncle David, II decided to drive over to her house and have the conversation. I also chose that option because I didn’t suspect that there was a reunion party within the King’s family. It will draw the press’s attention, and I didn’t want to start answering questions.Uncle David arrived shortly. He was wearing his signature perfume, Calvin Klein, his ever-smooth black suit, and designer shoes. He looked like a hot Hollywood sugar daddy. Maybe he wanted to impress my mom. ‘Hello son. Sorry, I came late. An emergency meeting came up before I left the office, and I had to attend it. It was really important. Where’s your mom?’ He said it in one breath, sitting down.I smiled. ‘She’s in the kitchen, supervising the meals. She believes you are here to apologize and ask for forgiveness. I hope you are here for tha
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