All Chapters of Best Friend's Mate: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
22 Chapters
Amos’ POV“Where am I? I asked myself as I found myself in a dark forest.“What is this, what is going on?” I was voicing out all my questions with hopes that something, someone would hear me.I got no response so I kept walking, this forest looked oddly familiar but my memory was still a mess.“Help me Raph,” I begged my wolf but he seemed to be silent.Of course, he hadn’t forgiven me for what I did to our mate, which is another reason I needed to get out of this damned forest, I needed to make things right?Suddenly, I heard the sounds of screams, clanging swords, and roars.I immediately transformed into my wolf form and ran in that direction, I should be running away but my wolf was pushing me towards the chaos.I came to a halt in front of the chaos and realized why this forest was familiar, I had been here before, it was the place where the final battle took place during the insurrection, it was the place where I lost my wife and my Alpha.“No…no…no,” I whispered, how could I f
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Amos’ POV“An Alpha of pain and blood,” I whispered as I watched myself run and fall over and over again, my wolf was weak and I had lost too much blood.As I watched myself try to get to the fortress, I tried to remember what happened to the Alpha’s daughter, she was half-werewolf but she was also in the fortress, I didn’t have to wait or think for too long, I watched what had happened upon my return.As I signaled the hidden gong, one of the warriors who was left to protect the pack came out to assess the situation and find out who it was requesting entrance into the fortress.“Amos, is all well?” He asked from afar as he approached me.Getting close to me and seeing my wounded wolf with the crest I held in my right hand, he immediately went on one knee.“My Alpha,” was all he said with his head bowed, I could feel the questions in his gaze when he finally lifted his head.“Gather everyone, only then will I speak,” I said as I felt myself almost fall to the ground, he rushed to catc
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Avery's POVI opened my eyes to the flicker of a candle and wondered where I was.“She's awake,” I heard a child scream and run out of the room I was in.I looked around as I couldn't sit up, there was not much to see, just the candle I saw earlier, everywhere was pitch black.“She's awake,” I heard another child say as he sat close to me.I still couldn't see anything, not even the face of the child but I could tell it was a girl.“Mummy!!!” I heard the child scream, I felt a sharp pain in my head and I screamed.“Are you okay?” I heard a woman ask as she turned on a light bulb.I squinted my eyes because of how bright it had suddenly become.“How do you feel?” The lady asked, sitting beside me and holding my hand.“Pain,” was all I managed to say before I passed out.“The pain is what made her pass out again, there is no danger,” I heard a man say and I couldn't even open my eyes because of how my head felt.“Why aren't you doing anything to help her then?” A lady asked, I recognize
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Avery's POV“I need to get out of here and quickly,” I said to myself, sleep had immediately left my eyes and my mind was all over the place.Just then this lady returned to the room I was in.“Good Morning, you seem to have made a full recovery, " she said sitting close to me,” Her presence which had formerly been comforting had begun to make me feel uneasy.Maybe it was because of what I heard but I wanted to get away from her as quickly as possible. “My name is Shirley, what's yours,” she asked with a smile, this smile seemed too real and it melted my heart.“My name is Avery,” I replied as I relaxed a little bit.“Where do you come from?” She asked, seeming intrigued, her smile turned into a grin and immediately I remembered what I had overheard.“I don't know,” I lied, reminding myself not to trust anyone, especially someone who was so nice… too nice...“You can't remember or you don't know,” she asked, her smile turning into a frown.“I don't know,” I repeated knowing it sounde
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Avery's POV“I knew something was not right about her,” one of the guards at the dungeon I was locked in said.“To think I pitied her,” the other said in response.On my way out of the pack border, I was caught by a guard and now they held me in this dungeon till morning.“Avery!” Shirley screamed as she ran towards me.“Open the door,” she said to one of the guards looking at me with pity.“But she…” the guard tried to explain but was met with a long stare.“The door!” She said out loud and he opened the door without another word.Every time Shirley looked at me, I felt so safe, that I had to remind myself of what I overheard to keep me in check.“What do you want to do to me?” I asked bowing my head and accepting my faith.“What do you mean?” She asked with a perplexed look.“You are the one who tried to run away for a reason I don't understand,” she said with a sigh and a deep breath.“It is better to leave now before I get hurt,” I said, not wanting her to know what I overheard.“
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Avery's POV“Avery!” Ashley called as I walked into the mansion.I turned to look at her, this might be the last time I saw her, I mouthed a “thank you” to her with a smile and walked in ready to face my fate.“What is your name?” An elder asked immediately I got in, he seemed to be in a hurry to get this over with.“My name is Avery Winston,” I said in response but as soon as my answer left my lips he was asking another question.“Age?” He asked again, looking more impatient than before.“18 years,” I said more quickly, trying to match his pace.This went on for a while, he was asking basic information questions like my height and I was more than happy to answer them.“Have you met your mate?” he asked and I froze in that spot. I wanted to answer him but for some reason I couldn't, I remembered what had happened, how Amos had treated me from the very beginning, and how he rejected me after we mated.“Avery?” The man questioned bringing me back to myself.“Please repeat your question
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Avery POV“Rise and shine honey!” Ashley said, opening the curtain in my room and letting the sunlight flood in.“Good Morninggggg!” I screamed as I opened my eyes to a naked Ashley standing in front of me.Ashley burst out in laughter as she came to sit on my bed, totally unashamed of her current state.“We had a pack run this morning,” she said trying to explain but that still didn't explain why she was naked.“So you didn't get dressed immediately?” I asked, confused at her nonchalance.“Come on girl, I am comfortable with this,” she said motioning to her body.“I am so jealous,” I whispered hoping she didn't hear me but her sudden laughter assured me that she did, she was a werewolf after all her ears were very sharp.“It took some time to get here, I could help you if you want,” she offered, taking my hands in hers.“If it means walking around naked, I'll pass,” I joked and we both laughed.“Can I ask you something?” I said, curiosity taking the best of me.“Sure but I want to ge
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Avery’s POV“WHAT!!” Both me and Ashley screamed exchanging looks.“Are you sure doctor?” I asked in shock, it was just one night with Amos, I never imagined I would be pregnant.“Yes Ma'am but I could run another test if you want,” he said confidently trying to clear my doubts. “Please do,” we said in unison and he took my blood sample again.“How is this even possible?” I asked aloud, just when I was looking to have a new life this happened.“Have you met your mate?” Ashley asked with a concerned expression.I didn't answer but my reaction should have given her the answer she needed.“What happened?” She asked curiously, she wasn't there when I explained the situation with my mate to the Elders, and now I had to relive that experience because she needed answers.“He rejected me after we mated,” I said simply hoping she would leave it at that.“Oh poor thing!” She exclaimed as she brought me into a tight hug.“I am so sorry,” she said as tears filled her eyes. Seeing her reaction to
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Amos’ POV“Avery!!!” I screamed as I opened my eyes to an unfamiliar place.“Where am I?” I asked myself as I struggled to remember how I got here.I was connected to several devices and one had already started beeping from the moment I opened my eyes.“What happened?” I wondered as I tried to disconnect whatever was connected to my body.“Wait Alpha, please,” A doctor said, rushing into the room.I recognized him as a pack doctor but not our pack doctor.“Who are you and where am I? I asked, before doing anything rash.Just then My daughter Angie rushed in with a relieved expression.“What happened? Why am I here?” I asked, wondering why no one was giving me any answers.“Speak!” I roared but Angie didn't say anything, she kept crying and holding my hands.Soon Quinn walked in, on his face with a relieved expression, what was going on?“Quinn, what happened?” I asked hoping he would be more level-headed and give me answers.“After the anniversary, you were involved in a ghastly accid
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Amos’POV“Let hurry up, it will soon be nightfall, and our pack is a long drive from here,” I said to Angie who was fussing about what we might forget in the hospital room.“Time is against us, will we me with The Alpha Davis?” Jack asked considering the rush we were in.“I gave my word, he is already sitting and waiting for us I am sure,” I said as we left the room and hurried through the lobby.Angie said we forgot something and asked to wait for her, turning in the direction she went I bumped into two women, one was holding the other’s hand and she was holding her stomach.“Wait!” I commanded as they tried to hurry past me.My nose caught a scent, one I was familiar with and my wolf was yearning for. Both women turned to look at me and the eyes of one of them widened, she looked like she had seen a ghost.“What is your name?” I asked her, sure I knew her very well but she didn't speak, she just continued to stare at me.“Speak!” I commanded as the other one burst out in laughter.“
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