
Chapter forty-two

Katherine’s POV

The sound of water dripping from a tap or faucet burrowed deep into my subconscious until I couldn't get it out. It was always constant and that was what woke me up.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

I rocked back and forth as I tried to get my bearings. It was dark and smelled musty like an old foam, and even with my advanced vision I wasn't able to see farther than a couple of feet in front of me.

It slowly started coming back to me…how I made myself sleep off to ward off the exhaustion.

I made to move but my chains jangled, jolting me back to the sad reality that I was still chained up.

I didn't know how many days, or weeks had passed since I was brutally taken away from Caleb. I hadn't seen anyone else since then, not the dark mysterious man who came in and butchered half of the pack in less than an hour.

I was afraid of him but right now, I would rather have him speak than this unending that was all around me.

I bent my back a bit to stretch a little and I groaned as the muscles
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